Java SE Embedded 8u6 and JDK 8u6 for ARM released
Kevin Rushforth
kevin.rushforth at
Fri Jul 11 15:36:58 UTC 2014
To add to what Lisa said, I did a quick check and find only 7 additional
changesets that were pulled into 8u6 after that date (not counting the 5
changesets synced in from the 8u5 release).
-- Kevin
Lisa Selle wrote:
> The internal repo that 8u6 was released from was cloned from 8u-dev on
> Feb 26. Here is the tag that was added to the repo just before the
> clone was produced:
> So, everything that went into 8u20 prior to that tag will definitely
> be in 8u6. Any change set that went into 8u6 *after* that (and there
> were not many) will be associated with a jira tagged with fix version
> 8u6, and can be found using the query below.
> Lisa
> On 7/11/2014 10:40 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> Hi Jeorg,
>> The changeset you mention is for bug RT-37098
>> <> which is listed as
>> fixed is 8u26 not 8u6.
>> As Lisa indicates, you can look in JIRA for bugs with fixVersion=8u6
>> to see whether a particular bug is fixed. Here is a query you might use:
>> -- Kevin
>> Jörg Wille wrote:
>>> Hi Lisa,
>>> I know that ARM- and Embedded-Version are closed-source. But I hoped that
>>> the information, what OpenJFX-Changeset it is based on, would be public.
>>> For someone like me, who is following the 8u-dev repo carefully, it would
>>> increase confidence in the release, if I knew, which bugs were fixed.
>>> In this specific case, I would like to know if this patch (
>>> has made it
>>> in to this release.
>>> Joerg
>>> 2014-07-11 14:52 GMT+02:00 Lisa Selle <lisa.selle at>:
>>>> Hi Jörg,
>>>> The repos that the 8u6 release were built from are not currently public.
>>>> I don't believe there is any plan to make them public, although I will
>>>> follow up on this question.
>>>> In the case where the repos remain private, then I'm sorry to say that
>>>> while all JavaFX changesets for 8u6 are also in 8u-dev, there is no tag or
>>>> other indicator which would let you see exactly which changesets went into
>>>> 8u6, or to duplicate them in a build.
>>>> If you are interested in specific features or bug fixes, there are jiras
>>>> corresponding to the bulk of the changesets - just look for 8u6 in the fix
>>>> version field. The jiraas should contain links to the corresponding
>>>> openjfx changeset.
>>>> Is this just a general question or is there something specific you are
>>>> looking for? Maybe there is another way to get you the information you're
>>>> after.
>>>> Lisa
>>>> On 7/11/2014 5:25 AM, Jörg Wille wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> what JavaFX Changeset is this release based on?
>>>>> And in which repo can I see the tag for this release?
>>>>> Jörg
>>>>> Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 17:06:58 +0300
>>>>>> From: Daniel Blaukopf <daniel.blaukopf at>
>>>>>> To: "openjfx-dev at Mailing"
>>>>>> <openjfx-dev at>
>>>>>> Subject: Java SE Embedded 8u6 and JDK 8u6 for ARM released
>>>>>> Message-ID: <5AE2B8CA-D766-4969-94CB-34D8F080D361 at>
>>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> JDK 8u6 for ARM and Java SE Embedded 8u6 were released yesterday. This
>>>>>> release includes new JavaFX features in addition to bug fixes:
>>>>>> Support for Freescale i.MX6Q Sabre Device Platform
>>>>>> Multitouch support
>>>>>> The 8u6 release also includes several enhancements to the core Java
>>>>>> platform such as reduced static footprint and improved runtime
>>>>>> performance.
>>>>>> Java SE Embedded:
>>>>>> embedded-se/downloads/javase-embedded-downloads-2209751.html
>>>>>> JDK for ARM:
>>>>>> downloads/jdk8-arm-downloads-2187472.html
>>>>>> Docs:
>>>>>> This is an update to the tested and supported binary release of JavaFX.
>>>>>> The OpenJFX sources have the latest features and bug fixes, but have not
>>>>>> undergone the same testing as supported JavaFX binary releases.
>>>>>> Daniel
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