Initial positioning of Dialog
ngalarneau at ABINITIO.COM
ngalarneau at ABINITIO.COM
Mon Nov 3 13:44:52 UTC 2014
When you say it works for you, which java are you running?
- Java 8 (1.8u25) with openjfx-dialogs-1.0.2 like Pete
- Java 8 update 40 pre-release
- something else?
Using the released 8u25 with openjfx-dialogs-1.0.2 I, too, have seen the
dialog pop on the wrong display.
From: Scott Palmer <swpalmer at>
To: Pete Moss <peatmoss84 at>,
Cc: "openjfx-dev at" <openjfx-dev at>
Date: 11/01/2014 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: Initial positioning of Dialog
Sent by: "openjfx-dev" <openjfx-dev-bounces at>
Ah, I the controlsFX code must be doing something to position the dialog.
Perhaps you can step into the code and see what it is doing.
The behaviour without a owner appears to be the standard behaviour -
centre on the screen.
> On Nov 1, 2014, at 9:39 AM, Pete Moss <peatmoss84 at> wrote:
> I get different behavior. I am using JavaFX 8 (1.8u25) with
openjfx-dialogs-1.0.2 which is part of controlsfx-8.20.8. Here is my show
> OptionsDlg dlg = new OptionsDlg(); // where OptionsDlg extends
> dlg.initOwner(mainWnd.getScene().getWindow());
> dlg.showAndWait();
> When I set the initOwner() as shown, if the main app is in my primary
display, the dlg seems to be centered on the stage, which I am happy with.
However, if I move my main app into my secondary display, the dlg pops up
in the center of the main display. This seems like a bug.
> If I comment out the line that sets initOwner(), the dlg always seems to
pop up in the center of the main display, regardless of where the main app
>> On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Scott Palmer <swpalmer at>
>> I was just addressing a bug in my application related to this. The
behaviour you describe happens only in Java FX 2.x. In JavaFX 8 the
dialog still appears in the centre of the display, but it chooses the
correct display based on where the parent window is.
>> I ended up adding a bit of code to reposition the dialog manually, but
it was a little tricky to avoid having the dialog flash at the original
position first. I had to set the opacity to 0, reposition it, and then
wait a bit before setting the opacity to 1. Even that was done in a couple
stages with runLater.
>> Scott
>> > On Nov 1, 2014, at 8:03 AM, Pete Moss <peatmoss84 at> wrote:
>> >
>> > Just getting started using the new openjfx-dialogs. One thing that
>> > me is the default initial positioning of a popup dialog. The default
>> > to pop up in the center of the primary display screen. This is
>> > annoying when the app is running in my secondary display. Where's the
>> >
>> > Is there an option to have it centered on the stage, or a way to
>> > control the initial position? I tried to handle onShowing() but at
>> > point X, Y, width and height are NaN.
>> >
>> > Thanks.
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