Linux (centos), openjdk 8, openjfx and netbeans 8

Anton V. Tarasov anton.tarasov at
Mon Nov 24 15:35:49 UTC 2014

Hi Mario,

On 24.11.2014 17:19, Mario Torre wrote:
> Hi Anton,
> This is new to me, I think OpenJDK 8 does *not* contain OpenJFX (or JavaFX).

Yes, I was incorrect about it. OpenJDK 8 does not contain OpenJFX.

> You are probably referring to the Oracle closed JDK.

I was referring to Java SE 8, available at for download, and as early access builds at

Thanks for the correction.


> Cheers,
> Mario
> Il 24/nov/2014 08:49 "Anton V. Tarasov" <anton.tarasov at 
> <mailto:anton.tarasov at>> ha scritto:
>     Hello Alexander,
>     On 22.11.2014 17:42, Александр Свиридов wrote:
>         Hello everybody.
>         I installed at centos 6.4 openjdk 8, netbeans 8 and build openjfx (via gradle). The only
>         thing I can't uderstand is how to make netbeans work with built openjfx sdk. As openjdx
>         sdk is in folder /temp while jdk is in /usr/lib/jvm/java-8... I can't undertand how to add
>         openjfx to netbeans as everywhere people say that jfx is already in jdk.
>         So, what now should I do to make all these work together?
>     openjdk8 sdk contains the openjfx sdk binaries. So, you don't need to change the classpath in
>     order to compile or run your jfx application. Simply add your jdk as a Java Platform.
>     In case you want to try your own openjfx build with openjdk in netbeans, you can do the following.
>     In the "Project Properties"dialog of your project, select "Libraries" and add jfxrt.jar to the
>     Compile-time and Run-time libraries. Please, find jfxrt.jar in the "artifacts" of your openjfx
>     workspace:
>       <openjfx>/artifacts/sdk/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar
>     Also, you can find the netbeans projects of the openjfx source tree under the following dir:
>       <openjfx>/rt/netbeans
>     Regards,
>     Anton.

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