JavaFX 8u40 EA for Android

Johan Vos johan at
Wed Nov 26 18:11:13 UTC 2014


Earlier today, I uploaded an early access build of the JavaFX 8u40 SDK for
Android (Dalvik). See!msg/javafxandroid/hOYMtMhl3HQ/GjwM-YPbUzQJ
for the announcement.

The source code for this build is in and that repository started as a
mirror of the OpenJFX 8udev at November 15 (so we're not behind too much).
It is my intention to go over all changes that I had to apply, and to
propose them as patches for OpenJFX. However, I took some shortcuts in a
few issues that would pollute the OpenJFX tree, hence I need some time to
cleanup first.

Apart from support for 8u40, the 2 major things in this EA release are:

1) we are now using Monocle instead of Lens. That is, we use the Monocle
Glass implementation, but still use the Prism eglfb implementation. Long
story on why this is the case, but eventually we will use monocle there as

2) we have now support for the android gradle plugin. As a consequence, a
JavaFX project with a single build.gradle file can be used to generate an
Android Package and install it on a device.
This will make life of developers much easier.

I think there are 2 more things that are needed in order to lower the
barrier for developers:
1) IDE integration. With the single build.gradle file, this should be
possible, but I have zero experience in developing plugins.
2) java(fx)packager integration. It would be so nice if we could just build
Android packages using the Java Packager. Would this be an option?

- Johan

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