Compiling 8u20-b26 for iOS

Niklas Therning niklas at
Tue Sep 2 06:58:39 UTC 2014


I'm trying to compile OpenJFX 8u20-b26 for iOS but run into problems with
the web project. The first problem seems to be with the ios.gradle script.
IIUC (I have very limited experience with Gradle) it disables the
compilation of the ordinary web Java code:

    compileJava {
        enabled = false

and then builds the iOS specific web Java code:

    afterEvaluate {
        def compileWebJavaIos = task("compileWebJavaIos",
            type: JavaCompile, group: "Build") {

The problem with this is that the builders project gets built before the
compileWebJavaIos task is run and there is code in builders which depends
on the web classes (e.g. WebViewBuilder depends on WebView) so I get a lot
of unknown symbols Gradle builds the builders project. E.g.:

error: cannot find symbol
[ant:javac]         WebView x = new WebView();
[ant:javac]                         ^
[ant:javac]   symbol:   class WebView
[ant:javac]   location: class WebViewBuilder

I'd like to fix this but before I make a serious attempt I'd like to know
whether I'm doing something wrong. I have Gradle 1.8 installed and I am
building using the 1.8.0_20-b26 JDK. OS X is 10.9.4 and I have the latest
Xcode 5.1 installed. I'm using this command line to build


Also, how is the jfxrt.jar that comes with my Java8 installation treated by
the build? I guess it is ignored since otherwise I wouldn't get any
compilation problems due to missing WebView etc since those classes are in
Java8's jfxrt.jar?


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