Compiling 8u20-b26 for iOS

Niklas Therning niklas at
Wed Sep 3 06:25:22 UTC 2014

@Johan: Maybe I should work against the javafxports code instead and send
you a PR? We can coordinate our efforts there on Android and iOS and then
try to get things merged upstream later on? I'm guessing that it will be a
lot easier for me to get your code running with RoboVM as you must have
already made sure it works with the Android runtime classes, right?

I'm cloning the 8u20-rt repository as we speak. Is that the repo I want to
use? Is it based on 8u20-b26?

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 7:56 PM, Johan Vos <johan at> wrote:

> I have to create a JIRA issue with patch as well for the Android port.
> However, I'm not 100% convinced I'm doing it right, so I keep it open for a
> while.
> The difficulty I face is that the compile tasks are not "standard" gradle
> java compile tasks (we include the java plugin in the dalvik.gradle file)
> and they are mixed with ant javac compilations.
> The mix of my limited knowledge of both ant and gradle make me feel not
> entirely comfortable with the solution, but at least it was good enough to
> give 8u20 b2 a try.
> - Johan
> 2014-09-02 16:44 GMT+02:00 Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at>:
>> > I should probably create an issue for all of this and attach a patch,
>> right?
>> Yes, please. We can get the patch into 8u-dev.
>> -- Kevin
>> Niklas Therning wrote:
>>> I couldn't keep my hands off and by looking at how it's done in
>>> dalvik.gradle from javafxports [1] I managed to get it to build the iOS
>>> web.jar. Here's the patch for ios.gradle:
>>> diff -r e56a8bbcba20 buildSrc/ios.gradle
>>> --- a/buildSrc/ios.gradle Thu Jul 24 21:23:07 2014 -0700
>>> +++ b/buildSrc/ios.gradle Tue Sep 02 16:35:41 2014 +0200
>>> @@ -340,7 +340,17 @@
>>>      apply plugin: 'java'
>>>      compileJava {
>>> -        enabled = false
>>> + = ['src/ios/java'];
>>> +    }
>>> +    sourceSets {
>>> +        main {
>>> +            java {
>>> +                srcDirs= ['src/ios/java']
>>> +            }
>>> +        }
>>> +    }
>>> +    dependencies {
>>> +         compile files("../graphics/build/classes/ios");
>>>      }
>>>      afterEvaluate {
>>> Let me know if you want me to create a JIRA and post this there instead.
>>> This patch helped me get past the first problem with the builders project
>>> failing. I then had to fix a few compilation problems in the web module's
>>> iOS code. A few classes (PopupFeature and PromptData) were missing and a
>>> few of the others had to be brought up to date with the code in src/main/.
>>> Haven't been able to test the patched web iOS code yet but at least it
>>> compiles now. I should probably create an issue for all of this and attach
>>> a patch, right?
>>> [1]
>>> 772ccf341457a1bbabef278cfe4dd6b22f5d7e72/buildSrc/dalvik.
>>> gradle?at=default
>>> On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Kevin Rushforth <
>>> kevin.rushforth at <mailto:kevin.rushforth at>> wrote:
>>>     I'll take a look at the build order, but it sounds like a bug.
>>>     Perhaps you can just locally disable the builders or add a
>>>     dependency on the compilation task for the IOS web files.
>>>     As to your other question, Richard is right that we omit lib/ext
>>>     from compilation, but there can be issues in doing this (e.g.,
>>>     when running tests or building apps). We recommend that you remove
>>>     (not just rename) the jfxrt.jar from the JDK you use to build.
>>>     -- Kevin
>>>     Richard Bair wrote:
>>>>     I’ll let one of the other guys answer about the web component build
>>>> order, but ...
>>>>     On Sep 1, 2014, at 11:58 PM, Niklas Therning <niklas at>
>>>> <mailto:niklas at> wrote:
>>>>>     Also, how is the jfxrt.jar that comes with my Java8 installation
>>>>> treated by
>>>>>     the build? I guess it is ignored since otherwise I wouldn't get any
>>>>>     compilation problems due to missing WebView etc since those
>>>>> classes are in
>>>>>     Java8's jfxrt.jar?
>>>>     The jfxrt.jar that comes with the JDK is in the lib/ext directory
>>>> (as is Nashorn). We simply omit both from the class path when we build by
>>>> setting java.ext.dirs= (to empty).
>>>>     Richard

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