Image decoding - native or java?

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Sep 3 15:22:29 UTC 2014

It depends on the format. We use a native libjpeg loader from IJG (the 
Independent JPEG Group) to decode JPEG files and Java loaders to decode 
GIF, BMP, and PNG files.

-- Kevin

Mike Hearn wrote:
> If I load image bits into an Image how is the decoding done? Is this using
> native code and if so there is a way to swap out the decoding engines for
> ones written in Java? I see native image libraries in my JRE lib directory
> so I suspect the answer is, they're decoded in C.
> I ask because I'm loading images provided by third parties of unknown
> providence into my app (images embedded in files users may open), and I
> know it's been a while since the last round of image decoding bugs but I'd
> feel better if I knew there was no possibility of all the usual C exploits
> happening.

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