ACTION NEEDED: subscribe to new openjfx-changes mailing list to receive hg commit notifications

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Fri Sep 12 22:12:04 UTC 2014

As discussed earlier, we are changing the commit notification alias for 
all openjfx project repositories [1] from the openjfx-dev discussion 
alias to a new openjfx-changes alias that will only be used for 
automated notification of changesets that are pushed to an openjfx repo.

Please subscribe to this new alias [2] before Monday, 22-Sep-2014 if you 
want to continue receiving e-mail notification for hg commits. If you no 
longer wish to see commit messages, then you don't need to do anything.

We will cut-over to the new alias some time on Monday, 22-Sep. I will 
send a reminder late next week along with a test message to the new alias.

Please let me know if you have questions.

-- Kevin


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