Separating observable data structures out into a separate library?

ngalarneau at ABINITIO.COM ngalarneau at ABINITIO.COM
Tue Sep 23 12:46:37 UTC 2014

The Server JRE distribution that Oracle created recently doesn't include 
JavaFX & therefore doesn't include
all the nice Observable stuff that could be useful on a server.

With Jigsaw, will a Server JRE deployment be able to get the javafx.beans 
& javafx.collections packages?

It would be nice to be able to write Model code that uses Observable & can 
run on either tier.


From:   Tom Schindl <tom.schindl at>
To:     openjfx-dev at, 
Date:   09/23/2014 08:28 AM
Subject:        Re: Separating observable data structures out into a 
separate library?
Sent by:        "openjfx-dev" <openjfx-dev-bounces at>

javafx2 was an extra install on Java6 (and even some version of Java7)
so those classes can not be part of java.util. Even in Java8 this would
not have been possible because then JavaFx would have to be JSRed -
which is NOT - just grab IBM Java and notice that there's no JavaFX.

Internally the library is already jigsawed so the base is split out - I
think this structure is also inforced by the build system and because we
get jigsaw in java9 which will make people think in modules and not a
Java SE categories I think this will solve itself.


On 23.09.14 14:15, Mike Hearn wrote:
> Yeah, but my API is UI framework neutral. Telling people to use all of
> JavaFX isn't going to fly. Besides, I know the framework was developed 
> the JavaFX team but beyond that, why is it a part of the UI toolkit?
> Shouldn't these APIs be a part of java.util instead?
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 8:47 AM, Johan Vos <johan at> wrote:
>> The Observable framework works as part of the whole JavaFX Platform on
>> Android, see
>> - Johan
>> 2014-09-21 15:06 GMT+02:00 Mike Hearn <mike at>:
>>> Observable data structures are a useful and general abstraction, which
>>> JavaFX deploys to great effect. Combined with the mirroring techniques 
>>> posted about a few months ago I found them to be a good way of 
>>> background work and network-updated state with GUI apps.
>>> For this reason, they'd also be useful outside of JavaFX, like on 
>>> So I have a couple of questions:
>>>    1. Are there license reasons why the JFX Observable* framework 
can't be
>>>    used in for example Android apps? How does the JFX license affect 
>>>    2. If the JFX observables framework could be separated out from JFX
>>>    itself, would there be any appetite for a Java 6 compatible version
>>> that
>>>    resided in some separate mavenable library?

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