Accelerators - odd behavior

Scott Palmer swpalmer at
Fri Sep 26 17:31:31 UTC 2014

That would imply that 8u40 is broken (where '-' only fired once for
Stephen), or it's broken for the + key.


On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at
> wrote:

>  "This means that the method can return true only for KEY_PRESSED
> andKEY_RELEASED events, but not for KEY_TYPED events, which don't have
> valid key codes."
> Ah, I missed that. I would expect such a disclaimer for KeyCodeCombination
> but not for KeyTypedCombination. In any case, it still seems correct that
> two events are produced for the particular test case in question.
> -- Kevin
> Tomas Mikula wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 7:16 PM, Kevin Rushforth<kevin.rushforth at> <kevin.rushforth at> wrote:
>  It seems to me that this is working as designed. You have created two
> different KeyCombinations and asked that both fire your runnable. Further,
> both of the KeyCombinations match your key input since both a KeyPressed and
> a KeyTyped event are sent when pressing a key that has an associated
> character. I'm not sure how we could change it in a way that wouldn't be
> surprising or difficult to specify or document.
>  The Javadoc for KeyCharacterCombination#match also says
> "This means that the method can return true only for KEY_PRESSED
> andKEY_RELEASED events, but not for KEY_TYPED events, which don't have
> valid key codes."
> Thus it is probably not related to KEY_TYPED events.
> Tomas
>  -- Kevin
> Scott Palmer wrote:
>  KeyCombination cmdMinus = new Key*Code*Combination(KeyCode.MINUS,
> KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN);
> KeyCombination cmdMinusFromCharacter = new Key*Character*Combination("-",
> KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN);
> Using the above like this:
> scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinus, runnable);
> scene.getAccelerators().put(cmdMinusFromCharacter, runnable);
> Will result in the runnable being fired twice from the same keypress.
> I propose changing the accelerator processing logic so that only one
> runnable gets called as the intention appears to be that a KeyCombination
> can only have one runnable associated with it, but the logic in Map
> doesn't
> see the above two KeyCombinations as the same key in the Map.
> Note: With the second combination above I really wanted something that
> worked for both MINUS and SUBTRACT simultaneously - since they both type
> the same Character and only one accelerator can be set on a MenuItem.
> Scott

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