@import in CSS

Tom Eugelink tbee at tbee.org
Thu Apr 9 15:11:37 UTC 2015

Hm. That would mean this should work, but it does not. So instead of moving the lines 216 and up to a separate file, I moved them to the front, but the colorschemes are not working then. The lines must be after the first (.SimpleMetroArcGauge) block. I don't understand why this matters, if it is declaration based.


On 9-4-2015 13:34, David Grieve wrote:
> Yes. The details are in http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/cascade.html#cascading-order, but here is the excerpt that matters: " if two declarations have the same weight, origin and specificity, the latter specified wins. Declarations in imported style sheets are considered to be before any declarations in the style sheet itself."
> On 4/9/15 1:42 AM, Tom Eugelink wrote:
>> Does the order in which things appear in a CSS have influence on the behavior?
>> Tom
>> On 8-4-2015 23:22, David Grieve wrote:
>>> The spec says that if there is an @import it has to appear first before any rule, except @charset, if present.
>>> On 4/8/15 5:12 PM, Tom Eugelink wrote:
>>>> I'm currently porting and reworking some gauges from Enzo to JFXtras. One of things that gets reworked involves that all gauges will have custom colored segments. These segments can be preset using colorschemes (e.g. green to red in 10 steps), so the CSS for these colors are shared over all gauges. I tried using @import, but since it is required to be the first lines in a CSS, I'm suspecting that is the reason it is not working as expected.
>>>> Is there any intention to allow these imports to occur half way in a file? Placeholder-and-replace alike (#include), so to speak.
>>>> Tom

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