Font size, dpi and text crispness (snapping to pixels)

Mike mikegps1 at
Thu Apr 16 22:43:13 UTC 2015

This has caused us a lot of sleepless days 

Blur issue and fonts 
Cross platform scaling 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 16, 2015, at 3:24 PM, Matthieu BROUILLARD <matthieu at> wrote:
> In my company at least in the business (healthcare in hospitals) we target
> JavaFX for (as a replacement of old app in Swing) we for sure cannot ask
> our clients to change their computers/screen to have HiDPI... so having 5K
> screens, yes in 2045 perhaps.
>> On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 7:12 PM, Jeff Martin <jeff at> wrote:
>> I’m surprised about the font size problem - If I create a font with new
>> Font(“Monaco”, 10), text shows up the same size as it does in Eclipse.
>> I don’t think there is a solution for the blurry problem, however, because
>> there is no way to disable Antialiasing. In Swing, I was able to get crisp
>> rendering identical to eclipse by checking for very specific fonts/sizes
>> and disabling TEXT_ANTIALIASING.
>> The only solution in JavaFX may be to get a Retina monitor. This didn’t
>> seem to be a terrible proposition to me last year, when it seemed like
>> almost everything from phones to tablets to laptops had gone HiDPI. It’s
>> taking forever for the desktop world to catch on, though. Apple is taking
>> it’s time. Dell apparently has a nice 5k external, but it needs two mini
>> display ports to drive it.
>> jeff
>>> On Apr 16, 2015, at 9:28 AM, Damien Dudouit <ddudouit at> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm experimenting with Java FX on a Windows 7 machine, using Java
>> 1.8.0_40.
>>> The *javafx.scene.text.*Font javadoc says :
>>> *The size of a Font is described as being specified in points which are a
>>> real world measurement of approximately 1/72 inch. *
>>> *[...] Note that the real world distances specified by the default
>>> coordinate system only approximate point sizes as a rule of thumb and are
>>> typically defaulted to screen pixels for most displays. *
>>> Java FX behaves as if the display dpi is 72 while in my case for instance
>>> its about 96. 96/72 = 1.3333.
>>> So for instance if I set Font.font("Consolas", FontPosture.REGULAR, 10)
>> as
>>> a font on a javafx.scene.control.TextArea, text appears a lot smaller
>> than
>>> in my eclipse editor configured with the same font.
>>> Obviously, I get about the same visual size if I use a font size of 13 in
>>> Java FX while using the same font in size 10 in Eclipse.
>>> I guess I could set scaling somehow in my Java FX code. But using
>> scaling,
>>> I imagine that text has little chance to display as crisp as it should.
>>> In fact, trying to compare the pixel output of Eclipse with font size 10
>>> and Java FX in font size 13 (or 13.333), the Java FX one is slightly
>> blurry.
>>> What can be done in Java FX when an application needs text as clear as
>>> possible, for instance if the application is a text editor ?
>>> What is the correct approach in a Java FX app so that it respect the
>>> default font size configured at the OS level ?
>>> Thanks a lot in advance,
>>> Damien
>>> public final class MyApplication extends Application {
>>> public static void main(String[] args) {
>>>   launch(args);
>>> }
>>> @Override
>>> public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
>>>   TextArea editor = new TextArea();
>>>   editor.setFont(Font.font("Consolas", FontPosture.REGULAR, 10));
>>>   primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(editor));
>>>   System.out.println(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution());
>>> }
>>> }

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