Loading Helvetica Neue Light font?
David Hill
David.Hill at Oracle.com
Mon Aug 3 13:25:01 UTC 2015
On 8/3/15, 9:13 AM, Tobias Bley wrote:
> Hi,
> does anybody know how to use or load the „Helvetica Neue Light“ font in JavaFX?
> Font font = Font.font("Helvetica Neue", FontWeight.EXTRA_LIGHT,FontPosture.REGULAR, 16.0);
> => gives me the medium style font:
> font = Font[name=Helvetica Neue Medium, family=Helvetica Neue, style=Medium, size=16.0]
> Regards,
> Tobi
I wrote this wiki page up a while back, while trying to understand fonts .... :-)
A lot of fonts depend on your platform too, which you did not mention.
Adding -Dprism.debugfonts=true
can give some good hints.
If you have suggestions to add to the page let me know.
David Hill<David.Hill at Oracle.com>
Java Embedded Development
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