How to Include a License File in Self-Contained Application Package

Danno Ferrin danno.ferrin at
Fri Aug 7 02:39:18 UTC 2015

Currently the Mac App Store support for java packager does not support a click-through license.  One could be added if a web-bug feature request was posted, and we could add it to the queue.  We do support click-through licenses for .DMG and .PKG distributions on mac, just not MAS right now.

Right now we only use synthesized distribution.xml files created by productbuild and don't create our own, this is much more resilient to the OS changing underneath us.


> On Aug 6, 2015, at 2:11 PM, Tai Hu < at> wrote:
> Hi all,
>     I am preparing our product (built in JavaFX 8) for submission to Apple Mac Store. All code signing and self-contained installer generation are done. However, I couldn’t figure out how I could add our license file into pkg package, which will show the end user before installation. Based on JavaFX 8 deployment document, this could be done by using drop in resources. I could find any more details or sample online. Could anyone point me to a right direction? 
> Thanks,
> Tai

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