OpenJFX / JDK 9 questions

Chris Newland cnewland at
Tue Aug 18 12:06:57 UTC 2015


Please could someone briefly explain the changes to OpenJFX under JDK9 /
modularisation / jigsaw?

I've been trying to answer some questions about this in the London Java
Community (JUG) and have added 8u40 stable binaries to my OpenJFX build
server as that was requested:

I understand work is already happening under JEP253 to sort out the public

Longer term, will OpenJFX ever become a sub-project or module in the
OpenJDK repository?

Is there any plan for a unified build system for OpenJDK and OpenJFX to
produce a binary that runs JavaFX out of the box?

Currently the gradle openZip method makes it easy to create builds that
unpack into OpenJDK / Zulu JDK but this assumes a pre-Jigsaw (JRE)
structure and doesn't work with JDK9. Shall I submit a bug?



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