Future of JavaFX
Felix Bembrick
felix.bembrick at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 06:43:08 UTC 2015
If JavaFX stays under Oracle control, it will be the same it is today in 5 years. I really doubt they will put another dollar into its expansion and new features.
How can that be good?
Plus the company that does take over could provide commercial support as well as training (which Oracle doesn't).
> On 1 Dec 2015, at 17:35, Casall, Alexander <alexander.casall at saxsys.de> wrote:
> I don't agree. To move it away from Oracle would be the official death of fx.
> And you could hire oracle engineering services, so there is commercial support, if you have the money to pay for.
> I think one option would be, that oracle engages commiters to contribute. In addition the fx team should have the capacity to manage the open source process, like doing a lot of reviews to assure the quality.
> RoboVM is sold to xamarin, so they are not in he game anymore.
> I think the solution could be:
> - more developers (even in India :-) )
> - make OpenJFX to a real open source project
> - Alex
> From: Felix Bembrick
> Sent: 01.12.15, 03:00
> To: Casall, Alexander
> Cc: Donald Smith, openjfx mailing list
> Subject: Re: Future of JavaFX
> The problem is that JavaFX is not used in any Oracle products (whereas Swing is), it makes them no money and it fact they are constantly bleeding while maintaining a team to develop a product that brings in no money and doesn't fit into their whole "cloud is everything" strategy.
> I would say that from Oracles point of view, JavaFX will not be developed any further.
> However, Gluon and RoboVM are doing their best to keep it alive but they are a very small under resourced team.
> In my opinion, JavaFX should be jettisoned from the JDK and managed by a company like Gluon on all platforms and be monetised just like the very successful Qt Company which just sells and supports Qt.
> With JavaFX, Oracle are an impediment to its success. We need a "JavaFX Company" that will develop it, sell it and support it. It should be separate from the JDK so it can have its own independent and more frequent release cycle.
> That's how to save JavaFX.
> But I am probably dreaming...
> > alexander.casall at saxsys.de> wrote:
> >
> > Don, thanks for your important contribution to this thread.
> >
> > What exactly means oracle continues to develop on fx? What is the roadmap?
> >
> > If I check the mercurial archives there are 10-12 people working constantly on FX in this year. The most work was done by a few of them. I'm not sure whether this is enought to move FX forward to engage more and more adopters.
> >
> > The core question is, are there any plans to put more ressources on fx?
> >
> > - Alex
> >
> >
> > From: Donald Smith
> > Sent: 30.11.15, 17:35
> > To: openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net Mailing
> > Subject: Re: Future of JavaFX
> > Oracle is still committed to JavaFX and it will still be around for a while.
> >
> > As of 7u6 we bundled JavaFX with the Oracle JDK, we've open sourced 100%
> > of the code, we continue developing for it, etc. I understand that
> > while there is both Swing and JavaFX available that people will continue
> > to question the existence of each -- so be it. Each has it's own niches
> > and benefits and our strategy, as it has been for years now, is to
> > continue with each.
> >
> > - Don
> >
> >
> >> On 30/11/2015 11:13 AM, Dirk @ Google wrote:
> >> Hi there,
> >>
> >> there has been quite a shake-up in the JavaFX community last week when Shay Almog (Codename One) first responded to a blog of mine (https://www.codenameone.com/blog/should-oracle-spring-clean-javafx.html>).
> >>
> >> I do understand that it is often a good strategy to not comment on stuff like this because commenting would just draw attention to it, but we have now reached the point where potential customers are questioning the sustainability of a JavaFX-based solution. They are now wondering if JavaFX will still be around in a few years. In my specific case the customer demands an answer from me and my partners within the next week, and if not convincing they will go with something / someone else. We will loose a contract worth around one million dollars because of one blog written by Shay with no follow-up from Oracle.
> >>
> >> What is needed is an official statement from Oracle / Oracle employees / JavaFX development team, saying that Oracle is still committed to JavaFX and that it will still be around for a while. Can somebody please do that?
> >>
> >> Dirk
> >
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