Future of JavaFX
Markus KARG
markus at headcrashing.eu
Tue Dec 1 17:31:43 UTC 2015
I assume you already opened a JIRA ticket and filed a reproducible test case, so Oracle can fix the issue ASAP? ;-)
-----Original Message-----
From: openjfx-dev [mailto:openjfx-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of Daniel.
Sent: Montag, 30. November 2015 22:49
To: Florian Brunner
Cc: openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: Future of JavaFX
The company where I work is using and developing with JavaFX. We're
not in production yet but have already some testing embedded systems
with it running on a [possible]customer site. The main drawback is not
having the same performance running from X than running directly from
framebuffer. By not using X we have a other big drawback too that is
not having x11vnc working, so every developer need to have a monitor
with HDMI attached to our device. I have a task to "look for possible
solutions" but I haven't found time to attend it yet.
- dhs
2015-11-30 18:35 GMT-02:00 Florian Brunner <fbrunnerlist at gmx.ch>:
> I read this article as well some days ago. It has some very valid points, but
> all in all I think JavaFX is still the best option out there.
> That said I was quite surprised that I got confronted today with the very same
> article by colleagues of mine who are in charge with company-wide adoption of
> various technologies. They tend to agree with the article. Currently JavaFX is
> still just on our technology radar, but not promoted yet. And now they start
> thinking JavFX (and probably thus Java on desktop not even speaking about
> mobile platforms) won't make it and it's getting hard to convince them that
> JavaFX is actually a great option.
> Now reading this mail of yours, this article really seems to make waves.
> -Florian
> Am Montag, 30. November 2015, 17.13:10 schrieb Dirk @ Google:
>> Hi there,
>> there has been quite a shake-up in the JavaFX community last week when Shay
>> Almog (Codename One) first responded to a blog of mine
>> (dlemmermann.wordpress.com) with a lot of negative comments regarding
>> JavaFX and its future. He then followed up with a long blog asking the
>> question „Should Oracle Spring-Clean JavaFX“
>> (https://www.codenameone.com/blog/should-oracle-spring-clean-javafx.html
>> <https://www.codenameone.com/blog/should-oracle-spring-clean-javafx.html>).
>> I do understand that it is often a good strategy to not comment on stuff
>> like this because commenting would just draw attention to it, but we have
>> now reached the point where potential customers are questioning the
>> sustainability of a JavaFX-based solution. They are now wondering if JavaFX
>> will still be around in a few years. In my specific case the customer
>> demands an answer from me and my partners within the next week, and if not
>> convincing they will go with something / someone else. We will loose a
>> contract worth around one million dollars because of one blog written by
>> Shay with no follow-up from Oracle.
>> What is needed is an official statement from Oracle / Oracle employees /
>> JavaFX development team, saying that Oracle is still committed to JavaFX
>> and that it will still be around for a while. Can somebody please do that?
>> Dirk
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