Future of JavaFX

Robert Krüger krueger at lesspain.de
Wed Dec 2 12:32:22 UTC 2015

Please, you're really oversimplifying things, I'm not sure if
intentionally. It's not just coding. In my company I pay people
serious money who do testing and file reproducible test cases with a
qualified analysis of what they observed and what may be the problem and
that's what I have done in the past for JavaFX using my Jira account as
also have a number of other qualified people who were affronted by the
policy changes, which probably resulted in many of them stopping this
because they could no longer follow their Jira tickets including taking
part in discussions there or answering questions by the engineers. If you
don't count these things as meaningful/valuable contributions that make a
difference, I don't really know on what basis to argue anymore. Then I have
to assume, you just don't want to really deal with criticism. Of course
some unqualified ranting in a Jira issue hurts (i.e. consumes resources)
more than it helps but putting the many qualified people (many of them on
this list) all in that category is neither correct, nor a smart move in
anyone's interest.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 10:45 AM, dalibor topic <dalibor.topic at oracle.com>

> On 01.12.2015 22:58, Markus KARG wrote:
>> I actually talk about those people that *did not* invest the time to
>> contribute
> Making high quality contributions to open source projects takes a
> considerable amount of humbleness, time and effort. People who aren't able
> or willing to invest the necessary time and effort into making high quality
> contributions are not likely to produce acceptable results - in any open
> source community.
> To quote Jono Bacon:
> "Low-quality contributors don't bring much other than noise: they are a
> net drain on resources because other good contributors have to take time
> away to support them." [1]
> cheers,
> dalibor topic
> [1] http://opensource.com/life/15/3/how-to-fire-community-members
> --
> <http://www.oracle.com> Dalibor Topic | Principal Product Manager
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Robert Krüger
Managing Partner
Lesspain GmbH & Co. KG


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