Future of JavaFX

Markus KARG markus at headcrashing.eu
Thu Dec 3 18:45:04 UTC 2015

I understand all you said, but at least, let me answer to your accusations,
before we stop this thread and go back to technical discussions:

In fact you blaim the wrong person. Indeed am speaking for TeamFX (a group
of JavaFX experts) and JUG leaders, wanting to actually help Oracle; but to
do that, we need the ability to vote and comment on tickets, so we can work
together with Oracle. We also want to add small contributions made by us
(partly done and visible in JIRA already, but cannot get finished, due to
missing JIRA accounts), but we need to have a JIRA ticket for each of it as
the main communication system for the team. JIRA is essential for a team
these days. Unfortunately, OpenJDK does not provide JIRA access to *Some* of
us, so simply we cannot *efficiently* work together with Oracle as we have
to send back-and-forth the building bricks and then wait for someone from
Oracle to find the time to review it.

That's the sole point. Not asking Oracle to do the work. Exactly the
opposite! :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: openjfx-dev [mailto:openjfx-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of
dalibor topic
Sent: Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2015 14:35
To: openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: Future of JavaFX

On 02.12.2015 18:45, Markus KARG wrote:
> I wouldn't bother you if I wouldn't have met those people and listened to
> their ideas, BTW.

One type of ideas one can regularly see in open source communities is 
'someone else should do X', where X can range from 'change their 
workflow to suit mine', over 'add a feature or fix a bug affecting my 
customer', to 'pay other people to do what I tell them to do', for example.

While the idea of being entitled to benefiting from other people's work 
is individually attractive, in open source communities allowing too much 
of this type of free riding attitude can cause a 'tragedy of the 
commons'. [1]

When it comes to OpenJDK, the way it is set up to work (since its 
inception) to avoid that type of problems is to mostly cater to the 
needs of OpenJDK developers, rather then to the needs of users of 
downstream products.

The OpenJDK processes allow and enable contributors with sufficient 
skills, humbleness and experience to become OpenJDK developers 
themselves, getting write access to corresponding parts of OpenJDK 

But contrary to what some people may think, one should not attempt to 
recruit the largest possible number of contributors just for the sake of 
attracting contributors. The best kind of open source contributors come 
with a purpose, rather than armed with ideas they want others to work on.

On the other hand, if someone is just looking for others to work on 
issues they are interested in, that's fine, too. They can, for example, 
find Oracle's Java SE Support at [0], or in other ways attempt to 
arrange for others to pursue those ideas for them, for example by filing 
an issue or RFE on bugs.java.com, or hiring someone to implement/fix it 
for them.

Whatever option one picks, please refrain from using this technical 
mailing list for non-technical discussions. [2] As a reminder, technical 
discussions are about code.

dalibor topic

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC3J2pdVXX0

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