Update on FX plans for JDK 9

Michael Ennen mike.ennen at gmail.com
Fri Dec 18 20:55:44 UTC 2015

Exposing platform APIs for the major supported platforms (Windows, OS X,
sensible Linux distros) for registering
URL handlers gets a big +1 from me.

While feasibly outside of the scope of OpenJFX, an auto updater would be
amazing. I know you,
Mike, have done work in this area with UpdateFX which could serve a
starting point for the JavaFX
devs if they agree to tackle this issue.

On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 3:05 PM, Mike Hearn <mike at plan99.net> wrote:

> >
> >   JDK-8091107: Add java.awt.Desktop support to javafx
> >   JDK-8091517: Implement com.apple.eawt APIs that make sense in JavaFX
> (FX
> > equivalent for JEP 272)
> >
> Exposing platform APIs is a big deal for anyone who wants to make an app
> that really benefits from being on the desktop. Doing things like handling
> files, registering URL handlers etc was a big PITA in my app. Definitely +1
> to supporting these cases better.
> >   JDK-8145443: [Mac] Render directly to NSWIndow rather than via CALayer
> > for non-applet Stage
> >
> It's unclear from this description or the bug what the benefit of doing
> that would be. Performance?
> >   JDK-8145154: Provide public API support for PerformanceTracker
> > functionality
> >   JDK-8090763: Public API for Glass's robot functionality
> >
> For testing and so on, public APIs seem lower priority to me. A developer
> can always override Jigsaw from the command line and use whatever internal
> APIs are needed. Breakage is less of a concern because it's under the
> control of the developer.
> The biggest lack in the JavaFX/javapackager/jlink story is still, by far, a
> slick auto update system. Shipping apps that can't update themselves in
> 2015 is unacceptable even for corporate deployments.

Michael Ennen

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