Update on FX plans for JDK 9
Charles LaPierre
charlesl at benetech.org
Mon Dec 28 14:14:35 UTC 2015
With the 508 refresh on the horizon has their been any thought to improving the accessibility of JavaFx?
Charles LaPierre
Sr. Software Engineer
charlesl at benetech.org
> On Dec 24, 2015, at 12:12 AM, Markus KARG <markus at headcrashing.eu> wrote:
> Kevin,
> I did a quick survey at TeamFX and asked every member to vote. Here is the
> official TeamFX opinion. I hope it is of any worth for you.
> Preface: Besides the ticket IDs you asked to prioritise TeamFX thinks that
> the top issue for JDK 9 should be performance, most notably of CSS
> processing. If there is one thing that holds back people from adopting
> JavaFX 8 for professional use cases, then it is the fact that you can
> quickly produce UI freezes of several seconds due to bugs and non-optimal
> CSS processing within JavaFX. If there would be a free voting upon features,
> TeamFX would replace all the below points if instead we could have JDK 9
> running as fast as it could (i. e. for example create and show more than
> 1000 TextFields in less than a second; rotate a canvas containing 1000
> complex paths fluently; and so an).
> Having said that, here is the summary of our survey:
> JIRA Ticket Votes Topic
> JDK-8092040 34 Implement Image writers for JavaFX
> JDK-8091673 30 Runtime should have a published focus traversal API
> for use in custom controls
> JDK-8090477 26 Customizable visibility timing for Tooltip
> JDK-8090763 22 Public API for Glass's robot functionality
> JDK-8089311 21 [TableCell] commit on focus lost not possible in
> every case
> JDK-8092098 21 [TabPane] Support for draggable tabs
> JDK-8091107 16 Add java.awt.Desktop support to javafx
> JDK-8144556 16 Add support to allow user specified rendering order
> JDK-8145443 16 [Mac] Render directly to NSWIndow rather than via
> CALayer for non-applet Stage
> JDK-8145154 16 Provide public API support for PerformanceTracker
> functionality
> JDK-8087516 15 Conditional support in JavaFX for GTK 3 on Linux
> JDK-8091517 7 Implement com.apple.eawt APIs that make sense in
> JavaFX (FX equivalent for JEP 272)
> Merry Christmas
> -Markus (TeamFX)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: openjfx-dev [mailto:openjfx-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of
> Kevin Rushforth
> Sent: Donnerstag, 24. Dezember 2015 02:27
> To: openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Subject: Re: Update on FX plans for JDK 9
> Thanks to everyone who has commented on this. With the winter holidays
> upon us, we will respond to feedback and pick this up next year.
> -- Kevin
> Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> Given the recently announced JDK 9 schedule slip [1], we have taken
>> the opportunity to explore what RFE's / Features we could possibly now
>> work on for inclusion in JDK 9. We wanted to give you a pre-holiday
>> season update on what we are currently thinking.
>> The following RFEs are in progress or planned for JDK 9:
>> JDK-8144585: Encapsulate JavaFX impl_* implementation methods
>> JDK-8143158: [Text, TextFlow] Make public API from internal "impl" APIs
>> JDK-8091308: Define fine-grained permissions for JavaFX
>> Expose Hi-DPI properties for render scale and screen scale (FX
>> equivalent task for JEP 263 JDK-8055212)
>> Multi-resolution image support (FX equivalent task for JEP 251
>> JDK-8046010)
>> Additionally, we have started to look into making public API for some
>> of the impl_* API that will otherwise be hidden by JDK-8144585. See
>> Jonathan's earlier e-mail on the subject [2]. Here is what we have so
>> far:
>> JDK-8144628: Provide API to expose list of showing Windows
>> JDK-8144625: Expose code and char properties on KeyCode
>> JDK-8144962: Promote TableColumn reorderable property to public API
>> JDK-8144871: Add default method getStyleableNode to Styleable interface
>> JDK-8145143: Promote Image.impl_getUrl() to public API as
>> Image.getUrl()
>> JDK-8144956: Remove impl_cssGet*InitialValue() methods from Node and
>> Labeled
>> If there are any we have missed that your application depends on,
>> please send e-mail to Jonathan.
>> Finally, here is an updated list of other RFEs we might consider for
>> JDK 9. We will not be able to do all of these, but hope to be able to
>> do many of them. We could use the help of the OpenJFX community in
>> prioritizing this list or possibly adding something that we missed, as
>> long as the scope is small enough.
>> JDK-8091107: Add java.awt.Desktop support to javafx
>> JDK-8091517: Implement com.apple.eawt APIs that make sense in JavaFX
>> (FX equivalent for JEP 272)
>> JDK-8087516: Conditional support in JavaFX for GTK 3 on Linux
>> JDK-8092040: Implement Image writers for JavaFX
>> JDK-8091673: Runtime should have a published focus traversal API for
>> use in custom controls
>> JDK-8089311: [TableCell] commit on focus lost not possible in every
>> case
>> JDK-8090477: Customizable visibility timing for Tooltip
>> JDK-8092098: [TabPane] Support for draggable tabs
>> JDK-8144556: Add support to allow user specified rendering order
>> JDK-8145443: [Mac] Render directly to NSWIndow rather than via
>> CALayer for non-applet Stage
>> JDK-8145154: Provide public API support for PerformanceTracker
>> functionality
>> JDK-8090763: Public API for Glass's robot functionality
>> Let us know what is most important to your application.
>> We will keep you posted with updates on what exactly is being targeted
>> (note that you can track it by looking at the Fix Version in JBS,
>> which we strive to keep up-to-date).
>> Thanks!
>> -- Kevin
>> [1]
>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk9-dev/2015-December/003237.html
>> [2]
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/openjfx-dev/2015-December/018338.html
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