Error creating bundle for MacOSX using u40 b23
Tony Anecito
adanecito at
Wed Feb 4 06:58:37 UTC 2015
Hi Danno,I revoked then renewed my mac distribution and development certificates and now when it gets to creating the pkg file for my app I get the following error message. Not sure what to do at this point. Any suggestions to get past this error appreciated.
Building Mac App Store Bundle for 3D Map Master Using custom package resource [Bundle config file] (loaded from package/macosx/Info.plist on class path) Using custom package resource [icon] (loaded from package/macosx/3D Map Master.icns on class path) Config files are saved to /var/folders/6z/blxp38g11rj3cvcp22x__8y40000gn/T/fxbundler8941792911979020474/macosx. Use them to customize package. Using custom package resource [Mac App Store Entitlements] (loaded from file /Users/tonyanecito/Documents/builds/myuniportal/3D Map Master.entitlements) Using default package resource [Mac App Store Inherit Entitlements] (add package/macosx/3D Map Master_Inherit.entitlements to the class path to customize)3rd Party Mac Developer Application: : ambiguous (matches "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Tony Anecito (HVZHK3KE9E)" and "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Tony Anecito (HVZHK3KE9E)" in /Users/tonyanecito/Library/Keychains/login.keychain)App Store Ready Bundle failed : Exec failed with code 1 command [[codesign, -f, -s, 3rd Party Mac Developer Application: , --entitlements, /var/folders/6z/blxp38g11rj3cvcp22x__8y40000gn/T/fxbundler8941792911979020474/macosx/3D Map Master.entitlements, -vvvv, /var/folders/6z/blxp38g11rj3cvcp22x__8y40000gn/T/fxbundler8941792911979020474/images/mac.appStore.image/3D Map] in unspecified directory[fx:deploy] Exec failed with code 1 command [[codesign, -f, -s, 3rd Party Mac Developer Application: , --entitlements, /var/folders/6z/blxp38g11rj3cvcp22x__8y40000gn/T/fxbundler8941792911979020474/macosx/3D Map Master.entitlements, -vvvv, /var/folders/6z/blxp38g11rj3cvcp22x__8y40000gn/T/fxbundler8941792911979020474/images/mac.appStore.image/3D Map] in unspecified directory
On Tuesday, February 3, 2015 1:16 AM, Tony Anecito <adanecito at> wrote:
Thanks Danno, I used 1.8.0_31 and did not have the problem. Now I have a new one after I submit the application and telling me the app was not created under the minimum OS X version so I downloaded the latest version and downloaded the latest xcode to see if that helps at all. Looks like it did not help. Hopefully my email to Apple Support will yield and answer. Best Regards,-Tony
On Monday, February 2, 2015 6:58 PM, Danno Ferrin <danno.ferrin at> wrote:
Sorry for the late response. Comcast decided monday at 2pm was the correct time to upgrade some cable hardware for the whole neighborhood. Because comcast cares.
My guess is it's failing to find a key for one reason or another. Perhaps the keys aren't unlocked, or they are named slightly differently than the defaults, or there are multiples with the same prefix. Running the bundler in verbose mode should tell you.
There are bundler arguments to fine tune the key selection.
The Mac PKG bundler looks for a key starting with "Developer ID Installer: " by default, and fails if it finds more than one. You can refine the search by setting "mac.signing-key-user-name" to whatever comes after the prefix if there are multiple hits, or set the entire pkg sigining key by setting "mac.signing-key-developer-id-installer".
For the .app bundler the same thing exists except the prefix is "Developer ID Application: " and the whole key name is set via "mac.signing-key-developer-id-app" The user name via the user name key is the same as before, and it applies to all mac keys.
For the Mac App Store bundler the prefixes it looks for are "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: " and "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: " for the app and the .pkg fiiles respectively, and the whole key names can be set with "mac.signing-key-app" and "mac.signing-key-pkg" respectively.
Hopefully that helps.
On Feb 2, 2015, at 4:25 PM, Tony Anecito <adanecito at> wrote:
> Hi All,I looked over the text when the deploxfx is run and all I see is the installer certificate being used and never the developer release certificate. the .app never gets signed with anything except with something called Mach-0 thin (x86-64). Regards,-Tony
> On Monday, February 2, 2015 3:30 PM, Tony Anecito <adanecito at> wrote:
> Hi All,Ok. It seems to be working now for some reason. Now I have yet another new issue. Seems when I submit via application loader 3.0 I get a error about the code object not being signed at all and to make sure I used a distribution certificate. When I used to do this manually not using deployfx supplied with jdk I had to sign the pkg with a ceritificate and never had this issue. Is this a new issue with u40 b23?Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks,-Tony
> On Monday, February 2, 2015 2:07 PM, Tony Anecito <adanecito at> wrote:
> Hi All, I tried using u40 b23 to create my macosx pkg file. I am getting the error:execution error: Finder got an error: Can't set toolbar to visible of container window of disk "app title" to false. (-10006) Then slightly later during the build got the BUILD FAILED. This worked fine for u20 when I last tried it. Thanks for any hints.-Tony
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