Event when CSS is applied

Tomas Mikula tomas.mikula at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 19:43:29 UTC 2015

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 2:32 PM, Tom Eugelink <tbee at tbee.org> wrote:
> On 18-2-2015 08:34, Tomas Mikula wrote:
>> What I think should be done is, instead of trying to hack around Pane,
>> create class NeedlePane that extends Region and overrides
>> layoutChildren. It would create its children in the constructor (or
>> take them as constructor parameters), add them to its children list
>> right in the constructor and never clear them, and position them on
>> the layout pass (i.e. in layoutChildren).
> Creating a DialPane is not such a problem, but creating a path only once and
> the only layout it turns out to be more of a challenge: the constructed but
> not yet correctly initialized path elements do not behave well with the
> rotate. It is an approach with merrit though, especially in resizing.

I meant my advice to apply only to Nodes. PathElements are not Nodes.
For example, there is no CSS applied to them, only to the containing
Path. I would just clear() and recreate them on each layout, if that
is simpler. Since they are not nodes (thus not part of the scene graph
by themselves), the comment about not modifying grand-children in
layoutChildren does not apply to them.


> Tom

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