HEADS-UP: [9] New WebKit + compiler upgrade for FX 9

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Fri Feb 20 22:35:49 UTC 2015

Quick answers:

1) Yes, we hope to get on a more regular cadence with updates. This one 
was particularly painful because WebKit moved to requiring C++11 meaning 
it was dependent on the compiler upgrade. The next one might be somewhat 
painful as well since they have moved from Qmake to Automake.

2) We've only thought about using Blink in a "Hmm, I wonder if that 
might make sense some day" sense. We haven't given any serious thought 
to it. Anton might have some thoughts on the sandboxing question.

-- Kevin

Mike Hearn wrote:
>     The changeset patch is 185 Mbytes and touches 11,688 files
>     including added, removed, modifiled files. I tried generating a
>     webrev, but it is just too big and unweildy to upload (over 1.6
>     GBytes).
> A 185 megabyte patch!? That is ...... mind boggling. I don't envy you 
> guys!
> Couple of questions:
> 1) I'm curious if there are plans to sync with WebKit upstream more 
> frequently from now on to try and reduce the pain of upgrades. As 
> WebKit is so complex and security sensitive, and not sandboxed in the 
> same way as Chrome, regular updates seem vital for security. Of course 
> this doesn't matter if you are just rendering your own content but for 
> displaying potentially hostile content, it seems important.
> 2) Have you considered using Blink instead, perhaps that way you would 
> get the sandboxing tech from Chromium? Or does the WebKit JFX uses now 
> have cross-platform sandboxing in it as well?
> Thanks!

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