Question/feedback regarding Windows Hi DPI support and how it will affect applications
Johan Vos
johan at
Mon Feb 23 20:01:03 UTC 2015
Hi Jim,
Not sure this is really relevant to your thread, but I added HiDPI to
Android recently.
On my Nexus 5, with scale factor of 3 I noticed issues with e.g.
ScrollPane, which has snapToPixel defaulting to true. The result was a
blurry screen when scrolling. When I added a
scrollPane.setSnapToPixel(false) line, the blurring was gone. Again, not
sure this relates to your question, but in this case it seems a problem
that the default behaviour tries to snap to an integer (1).
- Johan
2015-02-18 2:27 GMT+01:00 Jim Graham <james.graham at>:
> I'm currently investigating what changes we need to make to get Windows
> HiDPI support up and running. As it stands, anyone with a Hi DPI Windows
> machine will see all Java and JavaFX programs run very tiny since the Java
> executables have declared that we are "DPI Aware" in the program manifest
> for a few releases now. That setting was necessary to prevent the platform
> from pixel-scaling us back at a time when the actual DPIs of screens were
> not that drastically different from the norm and pixel scaling looked
> remarkably ugly compared to the amount of size difference it bought you.
> But, things are changing rapidly and there are a number of screens out
> there now upon which Windows recommends that you should scale by 1.5x up to
> 3x. A retina iMac or MacBook Pro (220 DPI) running Windows 7+, for
> example, will request us to scale by 2x, we'll implicitly indicate that
> we've heard that request by the fact that the Java manifest says we are
> "System DPI Aware" and they'll trust our sizes in pixels even though we
> calculated them based on a regular DPI screen - and we end up being half
> the size we want and nearly unreadable. There are also Windows laptops
> such as the Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro (released Oct 2013) and Yoga 3 Pro that have
> nearly 300DPI screens where the default pixel scale requested is 3x. Java
> and FX windows are even tinier and harder to read on those screens.
> (Side note: In FX, as it turns out, our "em" scaling in css is actually
> DPI aware so if you sized everything using CSS and the "em", then you might
> actually look OK. In practice, though, there are a ton of pixel dimensions
> in the default L&F CSS files so you'd have to do quite a bit of
> customization to make that work.)
> Adding a scale factor to the Windows platform code is not hard, and I have
> that code up and running. But, we run into the following issues that
> didn't come up when we did the retina port:
> - non-integer coordinates in events
> Our Mac code truncates and filters events to integers, but Windows may
> specify non-integer scaling so this gets trickier now. Certainly we can
> round or truncate, and filter for integers, but we end up in situations
> where the user can see the mouse move, but the program does not react
> because that event was filtered out. Note that a test program on the Mac
> does show that we sometimes repeat Mouse coordinates on retina screens
> which shows that even with the 2x scaling on Mac we are seeing repeated
> coordinates - they are somewhat rare, though, since I think the Mac
> internally only processes mouse moves in a virtual space. It will be much
> more common with Windows more flexible scaling, though, since the mouse
> cursor moves based on pixel distances, not based on filtered event
> distances.
> - screen dimensions
> For a single screen we can simply divide by the pixel scale, but with 3x
> scaling the division produces non-integers. This would also show up if we
> embrace the 125% and 150% scales that Windows documents/APIs recommend we
> support.
> But, a bigger issue happens with multi-monitor setups. The Mac lays out
> the screens (in the Control Panel UI, and in the bounds they report) in
> virtual coordinates based on the pixel scale. That, combined with the fact
> that they use 2x scaling only and screens are even numbers of pixels in
> size, means we can pass those numbers on and they don't look odd. But,
> Windows allows a wider range of scales (125%, 150%, 200%, 300%) and it also
> lays out screens in pixels which raises a couple of issues - non-integer
> screen sizes for some combinations of scale factors and pixel sizes, and
> also screens are supposed to lie against each others' edges so the user can
> line them up perfectly in the Control Panel and if we try to represent that
> same layout in "virtual scaled coordinates" the monitors may not line up
> correctly. I'll get into more detail on that below.
> So, my questions to developers are:
> - Would seeing non-integer event coordinates break your code?
> - Would seeing non-integer window sizes and positions break your code?
> - Would non-integer screen sizes break your code?
> - If we try to translate Windows Screen pixel sizes into virtual
> coordinates and the layout doesn't quite represent what they see in the
> Control Panel, how much of a problem is that?
> - If we try to translate Windows Screen pixel sizes into virtual
> coordinates and, due to a complex layout, our algorithm cannot get all of
> the edges to match each other as they do in pixel space and we need to
> punt, how much might it break code if there are gaps or overlaps in the
> reported Screen bounds (i.e. this is worse than "the layout doesn't quite
> look the same" I asked about above)?
> - If we provide a flag or scale factor on the screens to indicate that the
> dimensions provided are in pixels and you must convert your desired window
> sizes by the indicated scale factor in order to know how big to make your
> window - how much impact would that have?
> - As a followup to "screens in pixel sizes", we could alternately arrange
> so that specifying how big your Scene is and/or using the standard
> setWidth()/setHeight() methods on stage and relying on default window
> positioning or using the default "centerOnScreen()" types of positioning
> methods could be taught to work regardless of what we decide here. It
> would only be if you wanted to correlate all of the screens and come up
> with your own x,y,w,h - that would be where you might need to be aware if
> the screen dimensions are not in the same space as scene dimensions.
> To get an idea of the kinds of problems we might encounter when trying to
> translate the screens into "virtual coordinates", consider that the default
> layout of linearly placing all screens next to each other is easy to
> translate (though if one screen doesn't "divide out" evenly then some of
> the locations might be non-integers). But, consider a 3x3 grid of displays
> (i.e. 9 monitors in a square grid layout). If they are identical then the
> layout would be a perfectly aligned grid. If the middle screen has double
> (or half) the resolution of the others then we have to either have it float
> in the middle of a "virtual size" space that is too large for its
> dimensions, or have it overlap the 8 screens around the outside, or push
> the 8 screens around the outside away from each other so that they no
> longer touch. Since the user laid the screens out in pixels in the Control
> Panel UI, they believe that they may have created a perfect grid, but we
> will have to present an imperfect grid to the JavaFX program if we want to
> maintain the illusion that FX Screen object sizes are scaled. Even worse,
> the adjustments we have to make would be heuristic and depending on what we
> choose it might break what they wanted to achieve, or it might not matter,
> it depends on what they were thinking and what we independently decided as
> to how to best represent it.
> So, we could:
> - Expose the "screen dimensions are pixels which may not match the
> coordinates in your scenes" property of Windows screens. This may cause
> problems for programs that examine the screens and attempt to do their own
> custom positioning, but should not matter to programs that trust the
> default positioning, or centerOnScreen() method(s?).
> - Expose "screen dimensions are pixels", but make common APIs work in
> Virtual coordinates - scene/stage.setWidth/Height() could be in virtual
> coordinates for instance. Screen might have multiple getBounds() methods
> depending on if you want virtual coordinates or pixel coordinates and only
> relying on the pixel coordinate versions will work in Windows in all
> cases. The issue here is that sometimes the base APIs might not correlate
> well with each other, but they will make sense if you know the trick.
> - Try to convert Windows screens into logical coordinates that make
> sense. It will work for 99% of cases probably most of which are single
> screen or default linear layouts. In some number of corner cases, though,
> we may get it wrong and the values you find in screen bounds could have
> gaps or overlaps or bear no resemblance to how the user perceives his
> workspace.
> - Any other ideas?
> ...jim
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