WINDOWS_NATIVE_COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT is wrong with 32-bit cygwin
Robin & Di Hayman
robinndi at
Thu Jan 8 03:10:42 UTC 2015
I am trying to build JavaFX with native media enabled. For background,
read *The initial problem* below. I run gradle in a mintty window.
So I am stuck in build.gradle ( line 2392 for me) in def buildGlib{
.... I have progressed somewhat since the initial problem and understand
the problem but not the root cause. I have put a few (Java) debugging
lines using the code below and summarised the result here.
This is just a path problem.
I have 32-bit cygwin installed and the DOS path is correct .
/ Initial DOS path==========
C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin; C:\cygwin\bin;
C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath; C:\Tcl\bin;/ etc
As a result make $(shell cygpath ... can't work!
To help me understand the problem, my code below creates a /newEnv
/which /make /uses to buildGlib without error ( although
buildWinGStreamer still fails since I only fixed the local environment
for buildGlib not the global WINDOWS_NATIVE_COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT.
I have tried to find which code is turning /C:\cygwin\bin /into
/C:/cygwin64/bin/ but so far I have not seen where this is done. I have
looked in build.gradle & buildSrc\win.gradle and did not see anything there.
I also tried installing cygwin-64. But then I got errors where mintty
was looking for bash in c:\cygwin when it was in c:cygwin64!
Then I tried loading Red Hat cygwin-32 using installer 2.844. It copied
all the files into c:\rhcygwin , the installer then created a desktop
shortcut pointing to c:\rhcygwin\mintty. As soon as I clicked it I got
an error saying Can't find c:\cygwin\bash.exe! So I renamed the folder
to cygwin!
A can of 32-bit & 64-bit worms.
Who is taking c:\cygwin and turning into c:\cygwin64? There is no such
It would be helpful if the page Building OpenJFX
<> was
more specific about the versions of /Cygwin /& /make /which should be
used as it is quite specific for most of the other tools. /Cygwin/make/
has been making changes in how they deal with DOS paths so perhaps they
broke something. Perhaps something on tools 64 vs 32 too.
-------------------------------------------- code
in def buildGlib{ , thus
def buildGlib = task("build${}Glib", dependsOn:
[buildResources]) {
System.out.println( "\n\nInitial DOS path=======" +
System.getenv().get("PATH") )
thePath = newEnv["PATH"]
thePath = thePath.replace("cygwin64","cygwin")
newEnv["PATH"] = thePath
System.out.println( "\n\nnewEnv=================" + newEnv )
doLast {
exec {
commandLine ("make", "${makeJobsFlag}",
"-C", "${nativeSrcDir}/gstreamer/projects/${projectDir}/glib-lite")
"BUILD_TYPE=${buildType}", "BASE_NAME=glib-lite",
IS_64 ? "ARCH=x64" : "ARCH=x32",
------------------------------------------------- The initial problem
I find JFX media HLS is not working well for me. It dies after about 30s
whereas VLC can pick up the 'dead' m3u8 and continue playing fine, so I
decided to build from source to try to see what is going on. I have
followed Michael Berry's efforts extending media codecs too. Also, I
found this
26, 2014 at 15:04
comment interesting in response to the question "Is there any support on
gstreamer 0.10 for Adaptive Streaming – Smooth Streaming, Dash etc. ?" .
'Slomo' replied /"There is some initial support for HLS but don’t use
0.10 for anything really. It’s no longer maintained since more than 2
years and a lot has happened since then"/. The rest of his blog ('*HTTP
Adaptive Streaming with GStreamer*') seemed to indicate he had some
knowledge in this area. So I decided to build from source to see more
of what is going on.
I chose to build 8u-dev/rt from Hg, although that may not have been the
best choice.
The initial build went fine (without native). It was */easy/*.
Then I made a and set COMPILE_MEDIA = true and got
errors. These are in of build.gradle ( line 2392 for me) in def
buildGlib{ ....
This exec's the makefile in
The errors look like:
/bin/sh: cygpath: command not found
/ Makefile:71: recipe for target '/libglib-2.28.8.lib' failed/ /( I
have messed up the line numbers ignore 71)/
And make returns 2 and error 127. Now from the cywin window, I can do
/Robin at MY-PC /cygdrive/e/robins_root/software/JavaFX//
//$ cygpath --help//
//cygpath --help//
//Usage: cygpath (-d|-m|-u|-w|-t TYPE) [-f FILE] [OPTION]... NAME.../
and also
/$ echo $SHELL//
//echo $SHELL//
and echo path starts off
If I manually run the makefile from its folder, fixing up any needed
variables, it seemed to run OK. ( Although my VS2010 was initially
damaged. I had to set up the INCLUDE environment variable since I was
getting windows.h not found. I think this is caused somehow by having
VS2010, VS2011 & VS2012 originally, then removing all three and doing a
clean install of VS2010. I googled reports of others having this problem
of corrupted include path.)
My installation is unusual (?) in that all my JFX builder folders are on
e: whereas Cywgin is on c: . I need to use both paths /cygdrive/e/
and /cygdrive/c/.
The detailed build instructions are detailed about versions for most
programs, but not for cygwin & make. I wonder which version you use in
your builds?
Does Gradle change the SHELL variable? Does Gradle/cygwin/make assume
all programs are on say a C: drive? mintty has no problem finding
cygpath. Is Gradle looking for cygpath on e: instead of c:?
Now I have been playing with PATH & SHELL but nothing I do seems to help.
Any suggestions?
I am using:
Gradle 1.8 Build time: 2013-09-24 07:32:33 UTC Revision:
7970ec3503b4f5767ee1c1c69f8b4186c4763e3d Groovy:1.8.6
Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.2 compiled on July 8 2013
Ivy: 2.2.0
JVM: 1.8.0_05 (Oracle Corporation 25.5-b02)
OS: Windows 8.1 6.3 x86
$uname -a CYGWIN_NT-6.3-WOW64 ROBIN-PC 1.7.33-2(0.280/5/3) 2014-11-13
15:45 i686 Cygwin
make -v GNU Make 4.0 Built for i686-pc-cygwin
cygwin install, version 2.859
I used CygWin setup-x86.exe so I presume this is 32-bit Cygwin
JAVA_HOME points to (X86) jdk1.8.0.05
JRE_HOME (X86) jre8
My machine also has 64-bit jdk1.8.0_25 & jdk1.8.0_05in Program Files
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