iMX6Q graphics performance

Prasant Jalan prasant at
Wed Jan 28 07:09:04 UTC 2015

Hi Dave,

On Tuesday 27 January 2015 11:31 PM, David Hill wrote:
> On 1/21/15, 12:31 AM, Prasant Jalan wrote:
>> The above information will help us test our system. We have also put 
>> a system together and the above answers will give us a reference 
>> measurement. We could use your test app and get the fps measurement 
>> and know if our system is behaving fine. Then we could reduce our 
>> scope to javaFX application optimization and forget about the system.
> I had been intending to put one of my tests apps in the OpenJFX repo, 
> and I took the nudge to do so. This app was partly a learning 
> experience for me, and partly for use at a JavaOne talk last year. The 
> general idea is one of an industrial style controller.
> It is now checked in to OpenJFX repo as:
>     apps/toys/Industrial/
> This example program shows an FPS average while running.
> On my Mac I get close to 59 FPS after the JIT warms up.
> On my Boundary Devices i.mx6 (quad), it settles down around ~36 FPS 
> (it takes about 20 seconds for that to happen).
Thanks a lot for this information. This will help me verify my own iMX6 
ARM system setup.

Few more questions about your Boundary Devices iMX6 Quad:
- Amount of RAM/memory in your iMX6 system?
- iMX6 Single Core Clock speed (0.8 GHz, 1 GHz or 1.2 GHz)
- Which javaFX version did you use to get the above measurements (if you 

Regards, Prasant

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