Trouble building JDK in debug mode
Sam' at
Tue Jun 9 09:25:25 UTC 2015
I'm using 10.9.5 OS X Mavericks and Netbeans IDE.
Well I just followed the wiki and did "gradle zips" in order to generate my
zip file. Then I extract the ZIP bundle into the JRE.
I'm quite sure I'm using my own jfxrt because I had a bug with JavaFX, then
I modified the source code to resolve it. I created the zip et unzipped it
in the JRE and the bug was gone. So that must prove that my modification
were considered.
Be still, I can't access to local variables in Netbeans. But shouldn't the
compilation be longer when compiling with debug enabled? Because I don't
see a difference in time nor in size (for jfxrt)..
Hadzic Samir
Ingénieur informatique
06 45 91 51 93
2015-06-04 0:00 GMT+02:00 Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at>:
> That should work. What platform are you using? How did you overlay your
> JavaFX bits? Are you sure it is using your build of jfxrt.jar?
> -- Kevin
> Sam' wrote:
>> Sorry to create a new post, I have not managed to reply to the other topic
>> since I had deactivated the notifications..
>> I am building the JDK on Mac. I have specified "CONF=DebugNative" with the
>> case sensitive in the file.
>> You are speaking about -PCONF, but in the gradle I have specified only
>> "CONF" since it was written like that in the comment above..
>> Finally after that, I'm following the steps specified here (
>> ) in order to deploy my JDK. Afterwards, when launching Netbeans, I cannot
>> see the local variables of JavaFX source code and debug it properly.
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