Building OpenJFX with WebKit

Ondra Pelech ondra.pelech at
Tue Jun 23 23:40:08 UTC 2015

thank you, I followed your advice

one exception was that I had to perform
./configure --enable-static --enable-shared

instead of the "./configure --enable-static"

for successful build of openjfx itself, I also had to copy around some
.java and .gif files
but eventually the build succeeded
the result is here if somebody will find it hopeful built with webkit support ( and
maybe some other features
on Fedora 20 x86_64 from

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 11:39 AM, Andrew Brygin
<andrew.brygin at> wrote:
> Hello Ondra,
>  please see my comment inline.
> On 6/19/2015 9:19 PM, Ondra Pelech wrote:
>> lowering the version of webview-deps 1.3 --> 1.2 seems to be a step
>> forward!
>> but now I have another problem
>> as you mentioned, there's this dependency on *.a static ICU libraries
>> (why? why not depend on *.so?)
> If you are going to use the result of your build on the same system, then
> the dependency on *.so is just fine. However, if you want to use your
> binaries on other linux ditors, the static ICU libraries is the only option:
> There are various major version of the ICU among modern linux distors:
> from 48 to 54 for now, and they export different set of symbols.
>> in Fedora 20 there are only available dynamic *.so libraries (packages
>> libicu and libicu-devel)
>> so is there an easy way of obtaining those *.a?
>   * download source bundle:
>  * unpack it to some location <dst>
>  * cd <dst>/icu/source
>  * ./configure --enable-static
>  * make
>  * sudo make install
>  The default prefix /usr/local works fine, the webkit build uses pkg-config
> to locate libraries.
> Thanks,
> Andrew
>> or do you have a rough estimate when would these libraries be
>> available on central via webview-deps:1.3?
>> thanks again, cheers
>> On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 3:57 PM, Anton V. Tarasov
>> <anton.tarasov at> wrote:
>>> Hi Ondra, Michael,
>>> On 16.06.2015 18:04, Michael Hoffer wrote:
>>>> Hi Ondra,
>>>> I was able to build WebKit after reverting the version number from 1.3
>>>> to
>>>> 1.2. On Linux there should be a package called libicu48. I guess it is
>>>> equivalent to webview-deps 1.3. If you install it WebKit should compile.
>>> webview-deps 1.3 for Linux contains the following set of ICU 48:
>>>     libicudata.a
>>>     libicui18n.a
>>>     libicuio.a
>>>     libicuuc.a
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Michael
>>>> 2015-06-15 1:02 GMT+02:00 Ondra Pelech <ondra.pelech at>:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I'm trying to build OpenJFX with WebKit, but I'm missing the
>>>>> dependency com.sun.webkit:webview-deps:1.3
>>>>> I've come across this thread from May
>>>>> but webkit:webview-deps:1.3 is still not on maven central
>>> We're going to put it in Central soon. Sorry for the delay.
>>> Regards,
>>> Anton.
>>>>> is there another place I can get it from? or how can I build it myself?
>>>>> thank you, best regards
>>>>> Ondra
>>>>> Building Webkit configuration /Release/ into
>>>>> /home/ondra/Projects/rt/modules/web/build/linux
>>>>> :web:compileNativeLinux FAILED
>>>>> FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
>>>>> * Where:
>>>>> Build file '/home/ondra/Projects/rt/build.gradle' line: 2512
>>>>> * What went wrong:
>>>>> Execution failed for task ':web:compileNativeLinux'.
>>>>>> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':web:webkit'.
>>>>>      > Could not find com.sun.webkit:webview-deps:1.3.
>>>>>        Required by:
>>>>>            rt:web:unspecified

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