OpenJFX mirror at BitBucket?
dalibor topic
dalibor.topic at
Wed Mar 18 08:03:49 UTC 2015
On 18.03.2015 08:24, Benjamin Gudehus wrote:
> I don't know if this
> is feasible, sounds like a lot of coordination work, e.g. the people
> from Node.js and its fork io.js have some problems with coordination
> between both repositories.
Typically, even in the 'friendly fork' scenario, such setups don't work
out very well over the long term, as the work required by actual humans
to coordinate between different repositories accumulating changes at a
different pace, in conjunction with internal interface drift, leads to
the problem that the relative 'payoff' for the humans putting that work
in tends to go towards zero over time as differences tend to increase,
rather than decrease.
You have to consider the feasibility of doing something once separately
from the viability of doing something over and over again, and having to
deal with more than one way to do it over and over again.
dalibor topic
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