Questions/possible bugs about JDK 1.8.0 + OpenJFK on the PI 2

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Mar 25 18:33:09 UTC 2015

Jasper just ran the 8u33 + javafx 8u60-ea earlier this week with no 
problems -- Ensemble8 demo just came up and ran fine. He did mention 
that he runs as root, so didn't run into the problem you are seeing with 
accessing /dev. You might try running as root or else changing the 

-- Kevin

Fabrizio Giudici wrote:
> Hello.
> I got my PI 2 since a few days and I'd like to develop in JavaFX on 
> it. I've read the January announcement from Oracle about the end of 
> support for JavaFX... sigh. In these days I'm just checking whether 
> the development with JavaFX on the PI 2 is feasable or a pain in the 
> ass. On this purpose, I've prepared a small application with just a 
> couple of screens and testing deployment.
> First, I'd like to thank a lot those who are working for the OpenJFX 
> port as a patch for the missing Oracle part. Following the simple 
> instructions to "patch" the Oracle JDK 1.8.0_33 I've been able to 
> build a somewhat working system.
> Now, the problems. I'm testing with two JDKs:
> * the one pre-installed in Raspbian: java.version: 1.8.0 + 
> javafx.runtime.version: 8.0.0-b132
> * the "patched" one: java.version: 1.8.0_33 + javafx.runtime.version: 
> 8.0.60-ea (Wed Mar 25 00:04:40 UTC 2015)
> First problem. It occurs with both JDKs. My application starts at 
> fullscreen, but it isn't really covering the whole screen. It is 
> actually smaller. There's a strip at the right and the bottom side 
> where I can see a few columns/rows of characters from the underlying 
> console. Is there any bug in this area? Workarounds?
> Second problem. It only happens with the "patched" JDK. When I run my 
> app from the command line I see:
> Udev: Failed to write to /sys/class/input/mice/uevent
>       Check that you have permission to access input devices
> Udev: Failed to write to /sys/class/input/event0/uevent
>       Check that you have permission to access input devices
> Udev: Failed to write to /sys/class/input/event1/uevent
>       Check that you have permission to access input devices
> Udev: Failed to write to /sys/class/input/input0/uevent
>       Check that you have permission to access input devices
> Udev: Failed to write to /sys/class/input/input1/uevent
>       Check that you have permission to access input devices
> I'm aware that Raspbian requires certain groups for accessing some 
> features. I'm running as the 'fritz' user in the following groups:
>     fritz adm dialout cdrom sudo audio video plugdev games users 
> netdev input pi spi gpio
> So it seems that there should be any problem. Actually, the problem 
> doesn't occur with the pre-installed JDK. Of course, what's happen is 
> that I can't control my app with neither the keyboard nor the mouse.
> Third problem, still with the "patched JDK". Perhaps it's just a 
> consequence of the second. I tried to run as sudo: while I don't see 
> the error messages, still I can't control the application. Actually I 
> don't even see the mouse pointer. Perhaps is it just this bug:
> ?
> I've seen it with JDK 1.8.0 build 25.0-b70 on my Mac OS X, and 
> disappeared after I've upgraded to 1.8.0_40.
> Actually at present time I can test some more with the pre-installed 
> JDK, but obviously I'd like to move to the latest available one as 
> soon as possible.
> Please also let me know how I can help in the investigations.
> Thanks.

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