Unit testing recommendations for JavaFX

Matthieu BROUILLARD matthieu at brouillard.fr
Sat Mar 28 09:06:41 UTC 2015

Hi Adam,

At AGFA Healthcare we have been using TestFX for more than a year and a
half now.



On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 9:13 AM, Adam Granger <adam at adamish.com> wrote:

> Following migration to JavaFX I've been looking into a unit testing...
> Possible solutions
>  - "home brew" - just code up a few basic methods like "find a node with
> given selector within given timeout", then build tests using those using
> JUnit / Mockito. Also used @Rule approach from
> http://stackoverflow.com/a/18988752/898289 for simple tests which didn't
> require any asynchronous behaviour. I was previously using this approach
> until discovered TestFX
>  -  Jemmy - seems well documented. Last release 4 years ago - no updates
> since JavaFX 2.2? Is this because its so good, or does anyone know
> whether it has been scrapped? Any plans to update for JavaFX 8?
> https://jemmy.java.net/
>  - TestFX - just started dabbling with this - seems a lot better
> maintained that Jemmy, however the new release 4 is still alpha and
> documentation is a little sparse - https://github.com/TestFX/TestFX
>  - Squish by FrogLogic - commercial product, but only seems suitable for
> integration level testing. -
> http://doc.froglogic.com/squish/5.1/tutorial-getting-started-java_fx.html
> I'm interested in any recommendations this group might have or experiences
> of solutions I've mentioned...  What solution do OpenJFX / other large FX
> developments use for unit testing?
> Many thanks,
> Adam.

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