What are the plans for Java9?

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at bestsolution.at
Tue Mar 31 18:55:33 UTC 2015


Are there any official plans already for Java9?

One of the major pain points I see is that the java-packager does not
support to set a splash-screen and also ignores the -splash argument who
works when launching with java ... .

Another very obvious thing at least on all the windows machine I tried
JavaFX is a black area while resizing stages this makes things look

A very special request thing is WebGL support Webkit a customer ask me
for but I guess this is a though thing todo because on windows we only
have DirectX.


Thomas Schindl, CTO
BestSolution.at EDV Systemhaus GmbH
Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 5-7, A-6020 Innsbruck
Reg. Nr. FN 222302s am Firmenbuchgericht Innsbruck

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