slightly ot: java9 runtime images

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at
Thu May 7 14:00:05 UTC 2015

On 07.05.15 14:27, Tom Eugelink wrote:
> On 7-5-2015 02:15, Danno Ferrin wrote:
>> You can already do some of that today with Java 8 and the Java
>> Packager.  You can create a file tree that can be zipped up that
>> includes the runtime and all of the application files, as well as
>> native installers for windows, linux, and mac that will install this
>> file tree (or “image”).
>> We haven’t announced many public plans for Java 9 yet (since many
>> parts are still TBD) so I cannot comment on how jigsaw and java
>> packager will integrate, but I would expect that they will work
>> together in some fashion.
> From all the documentation I find, I understand that even though with
> Java packager you can create an executable including the (required parts
> of the) JVM, you still need to unpack and repack all the jars into a
> single jar. This has the problem of breaking signed jars. Classloader
> based solutions like onejar get into all kind of conflicts with possible
> other classloaders in the application.

No this is not required - we are even packaging
Equinox-OSGi-Applications who consist of > 30 different jars.


Thomas Schindl, CTO EDV Systemhaus GmbH
Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 5-7, A-6020 Innsbruck
Reg. Nr. FN 222302s am Firmenbuchgericht Innsbruck

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