slightly ot: java9 runtime images

Benjamin Gudehus hastebrot at
Wed May 13 10:19:36 UTC 2015

Hi Tom!

>I would really like to be able to generate such a standalone exe.

With Danno's javafx-gradle Gradle plugin and with the java package API
( from Java 8) it is possible to generate
a standalone exe without installer (the bundler name is "Windows
Application Image"). That's the first thing I noticed, when I tested it.


On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 11:43 AM, Tom Eugelink <tbee at> wrote:

> On 7-5-2015 15:52, Danno Ferrin wrote:
>> It would be a major improvement (not only for JavaFX applications, but
>>> also standalone servers) if it would become possible to create a truly
>>> single distributable, without having to repack the jars. So either by
>>> automatic unpacking to a tmp and setting the classpath prior to stating
>>> java (cleaning up afterwards), or allowing jars-in-jars or
>>> jars-in-distributable.
>>>  In 8u40 we added an option to install your application as service or
>> daemon, so you can use the java packager to install your microsoervices.
> I've spent some time with the JavaFX packager (though the
> javafx-maven-plugin) and I am able to generate:
> - a distribution in the form of a lib directory and entry point jar
> - an exe & msi that are both installers
> What I am not able to generate is an exe that can simply be started. Right
> now my distribution consist of an all-in-one jar (jars-in-a-jar) that can
> simply be started. The JRE is also simply copied (when not present), so
> there is no need to install anything, just copy and start. I would really
> like to be able to generate such a standalone exe. Is this a limitation of
> the plugin or the packager? Since the plugin seems to be very close to the
> packager, I'm thinking the latter.
> Tom

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