Building Scene Builder

Johan Vos johan at
Sun May 24 16:05:04 UTC 2015

Hi Scott,

You can build SceneBuilder from the sources on bitbucket.

hg clone
./gradlew build
Resulting binary is in build/libs

(note: This is the Gluon Open-Source edition, using the same sources
as those in OpenJFX).

- Johan

2015-05-24 16:56 GMT+02:00 Scott Palmer <swpalmer at>:
> Where can I find the instructions for building Scene Builder from source?
> I ran Ant in the apps/scenebuilder folder and it produced
> SceneBuilderApp.jar in the 'SceneBuilderApp/dist' folder.  But where's the
> rest of it?  It looks like the javapackager part does run automatically, so
> I don't have a native executable with a nice icon and all those finishing
> touches that make it a "real" app.
> I did notice the build output print a "jfx-deployment:" step, but I guess
> that is something else. I haven't used Ant in years, so I'm a little
> rusty.  I was actually surprised that there wasn't a Gradle script in the
> apps/SceneBuilder folder.  I thought perhaps the apps are just using the
> default NetBeans project format.  I then noticed when loading the project
> in NetBeans that I didn't get the little "FX" decal on the coffee cup icon,
> so it isn't a NetBean "JavaFX" project.
> In the deployment section of the NetBeans project properties the "Enable
> Native Packaging" option is not selected.  So where does the native
> packaging happen?
> I took a look on the wiki but I didn't find anything to do with building
> Scene Builder.
> Regards,
> Scott

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