AW: JDK-8139844 com.sun.webkit.Timer is never fired if delay is too low

Schmidtmer, Oliver O.Schmidtmer at
Thu Nov 12 15:51:43 UTC 2015

Hello Guru,

I've tested it with 8u51 32bit, 8u60 32bit and 8u65 32bit using windows 7 64bit where I can reproduce this every time against our test server.
Indeed it doesn't happen with 8u65 64bit and 8u66 64bit on windows 7 64bit. I've not checked other 64bit JREs but can do so if wished.

Mac OS X with 64bit JRE and Linux with 32bit&64bit JRE also don't seem to have this issue.
Maybe this really happens only on windows with 32bit JREs.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Guru Hb [mailto:guru.hb at]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 12. November 2015 11:19
An: Schmidtmer, Oliver
Cc: openjfx-dev at
Betreff: RE: JDK-8139844 com.sun.webkit.Timer is never fired if delay is too low

Hello Oliver,

Could you please provide info where this problem is seen more often.

OS type, version & 32 / 64 bit
JDK version & 32 / 64 bit. (already mentioned 8u66 and 32 bit in email)

fireTime (argument) value can't go less than "1.0E-9". As you pointed out the problem lies in "Math.ceil(fireTime * 1000)". Initially I have tested on window 7 64 bit and JDK 8u66 64 bit.

Asserting the value if less than 0 in "fwkSetFireTime" would be a temporary solution.

-----Original Message-----
From: Schmidtmer, Oliver [mailto:O.Schmidtmer at]
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 7:06 PM
To: openjfx-dev at
Subject: JDK-8139844 com.sun.webkit.Timer is never fired if delay is too low

I'm the submitter of JDK-8139844.

A few of our customers are affected by this issue and we can only reproduce it when loading webpages from a specific machine, independent from which machine the client with the web view is started.

As a workaround for our problem and JDK-8091962 I modified com.sun.webkit.Timer.fwkSetFireTime in 1.8.0_65-b17 - 32 bit as following and added some output to the calculations:

    private static void fwkSetFireTime(double fireTime) {
         long fireTimeMS = (long)Math.ceil(fireTime * 1000);
         if(fireTimeMS < 0){
                                               double withoutCast = Math.ceil(fireTime * 1000);
                                               System.err.println( "fireTime=" + fireTime + " before cast=" + withoutCast + " after cast=" + ((long) withoutCast) + " as one step=" + ((long)Math.ceil(fireTime * 1000)) + " original calculation=" + fireTimeMS);
            fireTimeMS = 1;
         getTimer().setFireTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + fireTimeMS);

Which produces the following output:
fireTime=1.0E-9 before cast=1.0 after cast=1 as one step=1 original calculation=-9223372036854775808
fireTime=0.03379535675048828 before cast=34.0 after cast=34 as one step=34 original calculation=-9223372036854775808
fireTime=0.042267560958862305 before cast=43.0 after cast=43 as one step=43 original calculation=-9223372036854775808
fireTime=0.04301285743713379 before cast=44.0 after cast=44 as one step=44 original calculation=-9223372036854775808
fireTime=0.041814565658569336 before cast=42.0 after cast=42 as one step=42 original calculation=-9223372036854775808
fireTime=0.03879666328430176 before cast=39.0 after cast=39 as one step=39 original calculation=-9223372036854775808
fireTime=0.04811882972717285 before cast=49.0 after cast=49 as one step=49 original calculation=-9223372036854775808
fireTime=0.0494379997253418 before cast=50.0 after cast=50 as one step=50 original calculation=-9223372036854775808
fireTime=0.04372882843017578 before cast=44.0 after cast=44 as one step=44 original calculation=-9223372036854775808
fireTime=0.04262733459472656 before cast=43.0 after cast=43 as one step=43 original calculation=-9223372036854775808
fireTime=1.0E-9 before cast=1.0 after cast=1 as one step=1 original calculation=-9223372036854775808
fireTime=0.04141855239868164 before cast=42.0 after cast=42 as one step=42 original calculation=-9223372036854775808
fireTime=0.01515507698059082 before cast=16.0 after cast=16 as one step=16 original calculation=-9223372036854775808
fireTime=0.047502994537353516 before cast=48.0 after cast=48 as one step=48 original calculation=-9223372036854775808

It seems this only happens sometimes in the first calculation. Even when the ceiling & cast is done again with the same value it doesn't happen again.
If I can do anything to help sorting this out I will happily do so.


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ELO Digital Office GmbH
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