Pausing Quantum Renderer
Kevin Rushforth
kevin.rushforth at
Mon Nov 23 19:01:37 UTC 2015
I tend to agree that the current proposed solution seems minimally
intrusive. The only other thought that I have is wondering whether we
could treat it more like the case of a lost surface on Windows. This
seems very similar to that case.
-- Kevin
David Hill wrote:
> On 11/23/15, 11:43 AM, Morris Meyer wrote:
>> As the original author of the Quantum toolkit and the renderer, this
>> sort of addition goes against what I had in mind when designing the
>> PaintCollector and the renderer. As the renderer is built around a
>> ThreadPoolExecutor, stopping system functionality for an edge case is
>> putting the cart before the horse.
>> When a Window is miniaturized or set to zero size, or moved
>> offscreen, there should be no pulses fired at the Window.
> My concern with setting the window size to zero would be any
> additional work that is done. If there is a layout to go to 0,0 and
> then another layout when we go to the new real size then that is not
> something I like.
> Pausing the processing of the rendering as has been proposed here
> seems like one way to be minimally intrusive on a compute constrained
> devices.
> Another options would be to set the window visibility.
> A real concern regardless of what is done is the potential problem of
> multithreaded issues.
> Skipping render pulses for a period seems pretty safe from a
> multithreaded point of view. It also seems to be the least likely to
> cause a lot of throw away work.
> Another thought, setting a window to visible(false) at least takes it
> off the rendering queue
> (PaintCollector.getInstance().removeDirtyScene(this);). So in theory,
> walking through the window list and marking all of them as not
> visible. The problem I have with any approach along these lines is the
> risk that state will be confused or lost, or that we do a lot of
> additional work in a place where we are already going to cause work as
> a new graphics context and display size are being dropped in. Even
> something like setVisible(false) has a lot of notification work
> associated with it.
> Given the above, I would tend to stick with the proposed solution.
> Dave
>> This seems more like an issue of ensuring that if the window is 0x0
>> that it is not considered dirty, and if there is no dirty scene that
>> nextPulseRequested() is never called.
>> There does need to be work done on Quantum to ensure that it cycles
>> down to no CPU usage when windows are hidden and/or miniaturized on
>> battery operated devices. That needs to be done cleanly, but even
>> then pausing the ThreadPoolExecutor seems to be the wrong way of
>> going about it. The TPE model is more startup, work, then shutdown,
>> and the QuantumToolkit intermediates JavaFX application state with
>> that model.
>> Best regards,
>> --morris meyer
>> On 11/22/15 6:24 AM, Johan Vos wrote:
>>> I implemented this in the javafxports clone of the OpenJFX 8u-dev
>>> repo, and
>>> the diff is here:
>>> I am more than happy to create an issue in the openjdk bug system
>>> (enhancement?) and provide a patch there as well, but I think it
>>> needs a
>>> bit more discussion first?
>>> - Johan
>>> On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 9:23 PM, Johan Vos <johan.vos at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I have a working implementation that needs more stress-testing on
>>>> different platforms, but it seems a good and easy solution so far.
>>>> I have this on QuantumToolkit:
>>>> @Override
>>>> public void pauseRenderer(){
>>>> Application.invokeAndWait(() -> this.pause = true);
>>>> PaintCollector.getInstance().waitForRenderingToComplete();
>>>> };
>>>> public void resumeRenderer(){
>>>> Application.invokeAndWait(() -> this.pause = false);
>>>> };
>>>> pause is a boolean that is checked for in
>>>> void pulse(boolean collect) { ... }
>>>> The difficulty I mentioned in my previous mail (how do we know
>>>> there are
>>>> no renderJobs pending/running) was solved easily as there exists this
>>>> PaintCollector.waitForRenderingToComplete method.
>>>> This might make the pauseRenderer a bit slower, and maybe this is not
>>>> needed in all usecases. In that case, we can remove it from the
>>>> pauseRenderer() and we can add it either in the Monocle
>>>> implementation that
>>>> will call pauseRenderer, or in a Android/iOS specific code.
>>>> However, it seems to me that if you want to pause the renderer, you
>>>> most
>>>> often want to make sure no one is still writing to the glSurface
>>>> after the
>>>> pauseRenderer method is called, so I think it makes sense to keep
>>>> it there?
>>>> - Johan
>>>> On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Johan Vos <johan.vos at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I didn't plan to intercept or cancel pending/submitted jobs, but I
>>>>> have
>>>>> to wait until they are done before the android callback method
>>>>> returns.
>>>>> When Android is about to destroy the context, it will call the
>>>>> surfaceTextureDestroyed method on the Activity (the FXActivity in our
>>>>> case). As long as that method doesn't return, the context won't be
>>>>> destroyed. But once that method returns, the context might become
>>>>> invalid
>>>>> any moment. So if there are still jobs that want to do a
>>>>> swapBuffer after
>>>>> we return, those can crash or (even worse) corrupt the egl system.
>>>>> So it seems to me inside the implementation of
>>>>> surfaceTextureDestroyed,
>>>>> we need to achieve 2 things:
>>>>> 1. make sure no new pulses are generated.
>>>>> 2. don't return while the QuantumRenderer is still executing jobs.
>>>>> Those 2 things can be combined in a single Toolkit.pauseRenderer()
>>>>> but it
>>>>> might be better to only achieve the first task in
>>>>> Toolkit.pauseRenderer().
>>>>> The contract for this method is than that no new pulses will be
>>>>> generated, but existing renderJobs might still be running when
>>>>> this method
>>>>> returns.
>>>>> The second thing, waiting for the renderJobs to be finished, can
>>>>> be done
>>>>> in the Android specific implementation.
>>>>> - Johan
>>>>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 10:20 PM, Kevin Rushforth <
>>>>> kevin.rushforth at> wrote:
>>>>>> This might be a tricky semantic to achieve, and great care will be
>>>>>> needed to ensure no deadlocks or race conditions. Not running any
>>>>>> more
>>>>>> pulses after this method returns seems fine, but it might be
>>>>>> better to let
>>>>>> any existing renderJobs run (possibly discarding the results).
>>>>>> This way you
>>>>>> could send the pause message to the renderer as a special
>>>>>> renderJob and not
>>>>>> have to worry about jobs that are scheduled but not yet run.
>>>>>> -- Kevin
>>>>>> Johan Vos wrote:
>>>>>>> After some experiments, here is my current thinking:
>>>>>>> Toolkit can have 2 new methods:
>>>>>>> pauseRenderer()
>>>>>>> resumeRenderer()
>>>>>>> When pauseRenderer is called, it should be guaranteed that after
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> call,
>>>>>>> no new pulses are fired until resumeRenderer is called.
>>>>>>> That is not hard, but it is not enough. Before we pause the
>>>>>>> pulses, the
>>>>>>> previous pulse probably submitted a renderJob to Prism, executed
>>>>>>> on the
>>>>>>> QuantumRenderer ThreadPoolExecutor. That job should run fine, as
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> next
>>>>>>> pulse (when we're back) will call
>>>>>>> GlassScene.waitForRenderingToComplete().
>>>>>>> So we have to wait until there are no running or pending tasks
>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>> QuantumRenderer as well.
>>>>>>> - Johan
>>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 9:58 PM, David Hill <David.Hill at>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 11/18/15, 3:45 PM, Johan Vos wrote:
>>>>>>>> Johan,
>>>>>>>> I think that it would be reasonable to put in something to
>>>>>>>> Quantum
>>>>>>>> that causes the render loop to "pause", and then resume later. I
>>>>>>>> envision
>>>>>>>> this toggle as causing the render loop to skip, rather than
>>>>>>>> tinkering
>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>> the pulses.
>>>>>>>> When resume is called, it might be best to treat the world as
>>>>>>>> dirty.
>>>>>>>> Added to Toolkit, this would allow someone like Monocle to make
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> toggles as is appropriate.
>>>>>>>> If this works for you, perhaps you could prototype it ?
>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>>>> On Android, a JavaFX Application might transfer control to
>>>>>>>>> another app
>>>>>>>>> (and
>>>>>>>>> become invisible) and enter the foreground later. In that
>>>>>>>>> case, the
>>>>>>>>> GLSurface we are rendering on becomes invalid. In order to avoid
>>>>>>>>> problems
>>>>>>>>> and save battery, we want to pause the renderer thread, but this
>>>>>>>>> turns out
>>>>>>>>> to be more difficult than I expected.
>>>>>>>>> When our app transfers control, we get a callback from
>>>>>>>>> Android. We
>>>>>>>>> intercept this in javafxports, and we set the Screen
>>>>>>>>> width/height to
>>>>>>>>> 0/0
>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>> we don't want to render on the (invalid) surface while we lost
>>>>>>>>> control.
>>>>>>>>> When we regain control, we resize the Screen and the app renders
>>>>>>>>> again.
>>>>>>>>> The reason we set the width/height to 0/0 is because the
>>>>>>>>> PresentingPainter
>>>>>>>>> will call SceneState.isValid() and this returns false in case
>>>>>>>>> getWidth()
>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>> getHeight() are 0.
>>>>>>>>> However, SceneState extends PresentableState and it overrides the
>>>>>>>>> update
>>>>>>>>> method. It will call PresentatbleState.update() which will set
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> viewWidth to the width of the new Screen (hence, 0) , but
>>>>>>>>> after that
>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>> overwrites the viewWidth with camera.getViewWidth(). The
>>>>>>>>> latter still
>>>>>>>>> contains the old value. A quick inspection shows that
>>>>>>>>> camera.setViewWidth()
>>>>>>>>> is called when validate(...) is called on NGDefaultCamera,
>>>>>>>>> which is
>>>>>>>>> called
>>>>>>>>> by ES2Context.updateRenderTarget() which happens during
>>>>>>>>> rendering,
>>>>>>>>> hence
>>>>>>>>> *after* the PresentingPainter checks if the width is 0.
>>>>>>>>> So immediately after we set the width of the Screen to 0 (on
>>>>>>>>> the FX
>>>>>>>>> App
>>>>>>>>> Thread), a Pulse happens, and this one still things the screen
>>>>>>>>> is the
>>>>>>>>> original size. While the pulse is happening, the android system
>>>>>>>>> destroys
>>>>>>>>> our context, and the rendering fails. Moreover, the EGL system
>>>>>>>>> is in a
>>>>>>>>> unpredictable state (recreating the surface fails).
>>>>>>>>> A very dirty workaround for this is to wait for 1 pulse (with
>>>>>>>>> the new
>>>>>>>>> pulselistener API this should be possible) before we return
>>>>>>>>> from the
>>>>>>>>> callback method called by Android when the surface is about to be
>>>>>>>>> destroyed. That way, we will have 1 bogus rendering on an
>>>>>>>>> existing
>>>>>>>>> (but
>>>>>>>>> about-to-be-destroyed) surface.
>>>>>>>>> But it would be better if there is some way to tell the quantum
>>>>>>>>> renderer
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> immediately stop rendering. Existing pulses are no problem, as
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> renderLock guarantuees that we set the size to 0 only when no
>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>> thread
>>>>>>>>> (quantum renderer) has a lock on the renderLock.
>>>>>>>>> - Johan
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> David Hill<David.Hill at>
>>>>>>>> Java Embedded Development
>>>>>>>> "A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes
>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>> survey
>>>>>>>> the world."
>>>>>>>> -- George Santayana (1863 - 1952)
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