Linux X11 based setup: touch gesture related problem

David Hill David.Hill at
Fri Oct 9 16:36:45 UTC 2015

On 10/9/15, 3:55 AM, Prasant J wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Prasant,
    Not a known issue. I suspect that the gesture recognition is not getting reset properly, expecting that both fingers should be lifted.
Probably not terribly hard to fix, but would have to add it to the queue.

You should file a bug.

> I'm using Intel atom based hardware (which runs custom linux and has intel
> HD graphics) to test JavaFX based application. I have built javaFX with
> monocle X11 support. I have correct graphics library setup and the verbose
> log confirms that es2 pipeline (X11 platform) is being used.
> My trouble is with touch gesture. Generally speaking gestures are working
> but not completely as expected. I'm not using X11 touch, but the touch
> events are being taken from linux drivers directly. I have an eGalax touch
> controller.
> One specific touch gesture trouble is (can be reproduced by the following
> steps):
> 1) Two finger pinch and zoom (works)
> 2) Lift only one finger from touch screen
> 3) Put the finger back on the touch screen
> 4) Pinch and zoom again (does not work) until both fingers are lifted
> Does it sound like a known issue in JavaFX (es2 X11 pipeline)?
> Some more information about my setup:
> - monocle.input.touchRadius is set to 1 (my application needs that
> resolution)
> - I'm not setting any monocle touch filters
> - The same application and touch controller work fine when used on Windows
> system.
> This is a very critical problem for us and we may not consider this
> platform if this problem is not solved. So all input is welcome. Any inputs
> will be of help.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards, Pj

David Hill<David.Hill at>
Java Embedded Development

"A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world."
-- George Santayana (1863 - 1952)

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