Fx questions

Benjamin Gudehus hastebrot at gmail.com
Thu Oct 29 22:21:27 UTC 2015

Hi Brian!

> for unit testing on Linux servers, is monocle a good bet?

In case you simulate user input (mouse, keyboard, touch) you need to use
the Glass robot instead of AWT robot when using Monocle. I observed some
different behaviour and timing problems in my tests with Glass robot.

>when embedding html5 pages into fx apps, should we expect it to
render/behave similar to popular browsers like chrome?

AFAIK JavaFX just uses the Webkit rendering engine, so rendering should be
more or less exactly like Chrome (they use their fork Blink, but there are
not that much differences, yet). For JavaScript execution the Nashorn JS
engine is used.

>do you have a public roadmap for fx?

I guess there is some information on the OpenJFX project page.

>what is status of scenebuilder? Is it supported, and still worked on?

I saw some commits in the SceneBuilder repository in the last few days.
Binaries are provided by Gluon.


On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 10:58 PM, Brian Harris <brianfromoregon at gmail.com>

> Hi fx devs, a few questions.
> - for unit testing on Linux servers, is monocle a good bet? I got it
> working by adding monocle jar to ext classpath
> - when embedding html5 pages into fx apps, should we expect it to
> render/behave similar to popular browsers like chrome? I'm wondering if we
> can expect this to just work or if things may be a bit wonky.
> - do you have a public roadmap for fx?
> - what is your recommendation for lifecycle management, ie creating
> controllers with injected dependencies. I saw afterburner looked nice, we
> have spring working too.
> - what is status of scenebuilder? Is it supported, and still worked on?
> Thanks,
> Brian

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