Windows Hi-DPI

Felix Bembrick felix.bembrick at
Fri Oct 30 19:59:34 UTC 2015

Hi Jim,

I had Windows 10 on my previous machine and my wife's low-end PC is also running Win10 and the same version of Java.

But I have what is supposed to be the fastest graphics card of all (GeForce GTX Titan X) and she has a very basic card.

The only real difference is that she has a 22" monitor with a resolution of 1920 X 1024 (?) and I have 2 4K monitors.

Hi-DPI is supported in the sense that everything renders at the correct size etc (unlike Swing) but it performs so slowly that there must be something fundamentally wrong, especially since JavaFX seems to be the only technology that's affected.

> On 31 Oct 2015, at 06:49, Jim Graham <james.graham at> wrote:
> It should be supported.  Which version of Windows were you using before?  We've supported HiDPI on Windows since JDK8u60 on all supported versions of Windows...
>            ...jim
>> On 10/27/15 11:24 PM, Felix Bembrick wrote:
>> I just installed JavaFX on my new Windows 10 machine which is extremely powerful but has two 4K monitors and while everything looks great and the right "size", the performance is very sluggish to say the least.
>> Is this because Hi-DPI is not yet supported in JavaFX on Windows?
>> Thanks,
>> Fix

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