Windows Hi-DPI

Jim Graham james.graham at
Fri Oct 30 20:07:42 UTC 2015

I doubt it would be simply a "number of pixels" issue.  I don't have a 
4K monitor, but I've run it on some HiDPI monitors that keep up just 
fine with much more modest hardware.

There are a couple of possible things that may get in the way:

- Our max texture size is 4096x4096 which should be large enough for a 
4K monitor backbuffer, but perhaps something in your application 
requires a texture to be allocated larger than the monitor size.  Try 
setting -Dprism.maxTextureSize=8192 and see if that helps at all.

- Driver issues.  Perhaps we are failing to enable hardware acceleration 
on your system.  Try running with "-Dprism.verbose=true" and see what it 
says about the pipeline being used and the driver/hardware details it 
prints out.

- Other driver issues.  We may be doing something unique that triggers 
problems under Windows 10 that we don't see under earlier versions of 
Windows and earlier drivers.  As someone said, some drivers cause the 
GPU to constantly fault and reboot under Windows 10 (the machine doesn't 
reboot, the GPU just restarts and continues).  Notably everyone who is 
using a brand new SurfaceBook with the nVidia GPU reports that the GPU 
is constantly freezing and restarting, especially when running the new 
browser.  If it does that to us once per frame then we are going to 
spend all of our time recreating our world...


On 10/30/15 1:19 AM, Felix Bembrick wrote:
> I am using Java 8u66 and performance is really poor.
> I suspected a driver issue but I have the latest driver for my Titan X card (4 in SLI mode) and running the 4K monitor tests in 3DMark says my machine is in the top 1% fastest computers ever to run the tests.
> It looks to me that JavaFX just can't deliver acceptable performance on 4K monitors, even with the most powerful graphics cards on the planet. Or maybe it doesn't support SLI?
> It could be Windows 10 related but I don't think so. And I am definitely getting hardware acceleration according to the output so I suspect JavaFX has trouble moving so many pixels around on these hi-res monitors.
> All other 3D apps and games run blindingly fast but JavaFX actually runs slower on this beast than on my wife's little i5 powered Dell machine with a low range graphics card, also running Windows 10.
> Any ideas?
> Felix
>> On 30 Oct 2015, at 17:33, Chris Nahr<chris.nahr at> wrote:
>> Hi-DPI is supported on Windows, assuming you have 8u60 or later (better 8u66 or later so a ComboBox doesn't freeze the application!). On my Dell XPS-15 with Windows 10 and 4K displays JavaFX also uses hardware acceleration, in this case with the Intel 4600 integrated GPU.
>> However, this causes frequent Intel display driver crashes and restarts because the Windows 10 drivers are still so immature. Same happens in WPF applications, so it's not specific to JavaFX. I've grabbed my driver directly from the Intel website. Possibly your system runs an older driver that causes JavaFX not to use HA.
>> Given how unstable it currently is on Windows 10, that might not be a bad idea. But of course you could try manually updating and see what happens to JavaFX performance.
>> Cheers, Chris
>>> On 2015-10-28 17:24:38, Felix Bembrick <felix.bembrick at> wrote:
>>> I just installed JavaFX on my new Windows 10 machine which is extremely powerful but has two 4K monitors and while everything looks great and the right "size", the performance is very sluggish to say the least.
>>> Is this because Hi-DPI is not yet supported in JavaFX on Windows?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Fix

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