MenuBar in osx to set About, Preferences, Quit

johns at johns at
Wed Sep 2 14:05:19 UTC 2015

What is the method for a pure javafx app to control the osx application
menu bar (e.g. About, Preferences, Quit, etc)?

The menu bar area I am asking about can be seen in a native Mac OS
applications menu under <AppName>:
 About <AppName>
 Hide <AppName>
 Hide Others
 Show All
 Quit <AppName>

When I use the javapackager (aka javafxpackager ) to make a stand alone
app on osx the title of this bar becomes my app name, however how do I
control the other parts (e.g. About, Preferences, Quit, etc)?

My javafx application has a javafx MenuBar in each window (Stage) with
the property useSystemMenuBar set to true, in order to show a
more-native behavior, where the menu bar appears in the Apple menu bar
at the top of the screen for the active window, but this does not give
me control over the areas in question.

Please respond with only methods that do swing, awt, or eawt, as I have
not seen this published anywhere.

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