JEP 253 webrev ready for review

Hendrik Ebbers hendrik.ebbers at
Sat Sep 5 19:44:43 UTC 2015

Sounds perfect. I think a SPI based plugin structure would be perfect.



Von meinem iPhone gesendet

> Am 05.09.2015 um 11:35 schrieb Hervé Girod <herve.girod at>:
> It seems to be a very good idea!
> Sent from my iPad
>> On 4 sept. 2015, at 07:25, Jonathan Giles <jonathan.giles at> wrote:
>> For what it's worth, I think enabling this is a really good idea. The starting point is - it currently just hard codes all available converters. Making that pluggable won't be too difficult. If you (or anyone else) is interested in looking into this, we can discuss further.
>> -- Jonathan
>> Sent from a touch device. Please excuse my brevity.
>>> On 4 September 2015 17:17:14 GMT+12:00, Michael Ennen <mike.ennen at> wrote:
>>> I am trying to mentally digest the CSS API, but I am having trouble
>>> answering the question of whether or not the following scenario is now
>>> possible (using only public APIs). Imagine one wanted to create a new
>>> class
>>> that was analogous to, and that it worked
>>> "all
>>> the way down" in terms of being parsed from CSS into a
>>> StyleableProperty<Color>. For concreteness, say one wanted to implement
>>> a
>>> fadein function:
>>> fadein
>>> fadein( <color> , <number>% )
>>> The fadein function takes a color and computes a more opaque version of
>>> that color.
>>> The second parameter is the opacity, ranging from 0% to 100%. Has no
>>> effect
>>> on
>>> fully opaque colors.
>>> Does the API allow for a way to hook this new function up into the CSS
>>> parser? If one implemented FadeInColorConverter extends
>>> StyleConverter<ParsedValue[], Color> that worked according to the above
>>> specs, how would one hook this fadein function into the parser, so that
>>> one
>>> can write CSS such as:
>>> my-awesome-color: fadein(my-semi-transparent-color, 30%);
>>> and have a StyleableObjectProperty<Color> come out the other side?
>>> If this is possible using the new APIs, then this makes those APIs very
>>> powerful in terms of the possibilities of extending the built-in CSS
>>> capabilities in very powerful and interesting ways. If it is not
>>> possible,
>>> would it be feasible to make it so in the scope of this JEP?
>>> Thanks very much,
>>> -- 
>>> Michael Ennen

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