8u66 Windows 64-bit packager and Windows 10 : possible ?

Fabrice MAUPIN fmaupin at iback.fr
Tue Sep 15 07:45:57 UTC 2015



My problem : My JavaFX Application is installed correctly in Windows 10
(version 10.0.10240. - 64 bit) but refuses to run !


I use the JavaFX native packager to produce native install bundles for
Windows (from an Eclipse / Ant script).


I create my Windows bundle from a 64-bit Windows 7 build machine - JDK used
: 8u66 b02 early access - 64-bit Windows.


I know that Windows 10 is just out, and the JDK is not yet updated.  


I actually posting an issue about it (hope it is integrated into Java Bug
System !).


But until the bug is accepted and processed, I like to know if this is
actually a bug or if someone have run an JavaFX application (generated by
Windows 64-bit packager) on Windows 10.


Have you been able to run an JavaFX application (build from Windows 7
machine) on Windows 10 ? 


If yes, how ?


Thank you in advance




Fabrice MAUPIN


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