Fwd: HostServices on Linux Ubuntu 14.04 trusty

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Wed Sep 30 16:44:37 UTC 2015

Can you please file a bug against HostServices? You can reference 
Stefan's workaround in the bug report.

Thank you.

-- Kevin

John Maton wrote:
> Stefan
> I confirm that works for me on all platforms, Windows/Mac/Ubuntu, thanks
> again
> (for the record HostServices does not work on Ubuntu 10.4).
> Regards,
> John Maton
> On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 11:48 AM, Stefan Fuchs <snfuchs at gmx.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> this works for us on all platforms, including Ubuntu 14.04
>>  // Desktop methods must be executed on the Swing Event Thread
>>  SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
>>          Desktop.getDesktop().open(pdfFile);
>> });
>> Regards,
>> Stefan
>> To: Rahman USTA <rahman.usta.88 at gmail.com>
>>> My problem is getHostServices().showDocument does nothing at all in Ubuntu
>>> 10.4
>>> Have you tried using Desktop?
>>> as in
>>> if(Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) Desktop.getDesktop().open(docFile);
>>> That also works for me on Windows and Mac but causes a system crash in
>>> Ubuntu so I am no better off.
>>> Regards
>>> John Maton
>>> On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 11:08 AM, Rahman USTA <rahman.usta.88 at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> I have similar issue. When using host services to show document in
>>>> directory services, in Linux environment it shows documents in Web
>>>> browser,
>>>> not in directory service.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> 26 Eyl 2015 11:47 tarihinde "John Maton" <john2011uk at gmail.com> yazdı:
>>>> Good morning all,
>>>>> I am using getHostServices().showDocument to display documents, such as
>>>>> .pdf files.
>>>>> This works find on all versions of Windows I have tested and on Apple
>>>>> Macs,
>>>>> but I have a test user running Linux Ubuntu 14.04 trusty where it does
>>>>> not
>>>>> work (does nothing).
>>>>> Is there some library/resource which must be installed on Ubuntu to make
>>>>> HostServices work?
>>>>> thanks in advance for any comments,
>>>>> John Maton

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