Mac App Store Refusal because of QTKit API's
Donald Smith
donald.smith at
Wed Sep 30 16:45:55 UTC 2015
Please let us know what you hear back with Apple on this given the
information below we hope they will see this as an oversight.
- Don
On 30/09/2015 12:28 PM, Phil Race wrote:
> Yes, these look like ICU functions which so far as I know FX only
> references from its *own* internal copy of webkit which in turn has a
> copy of ICU.
> What is very odd is that Apple is essentially then objecting to
> referencing
> functions that are internal to your app. ie referenced by your app and
> also
> fulfilled by your app, whereas I assume the app store checking should be
> against deprecated Apple APIs that you reference in your app and that
> are fulfilled by OSX (or iOS).
> So something seems wrong here.
> -phil.
> On 09/30/2015 09:19 AM, Scott Selvia wrote:
>> Chris,
>> I'll update iTunes connect with that information and ask them to clarify
>> Thank you for the additional information, Danno explained they are
>> used in the WebKit dylib
>> Scott
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Sep 30, 2015, at 12:08 PM, Chris Bensen <chris.bensen at>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Scott,
>>> Those APIs are for the text system ICU. I believe the App Store team
>>> may be in error. Perhaps they accidentally copied the wrong
>>> forbidden APIs when writing the message.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris
>>>> On Sep 29, 2015, at 3:15 AM, Scott Selvia <sselvia at> wrote:
>>>> I’m using JDK 8 update 60 and I just received an email from Apple
>>>> saying that my application is using deprecated QTKit API’s. I’ve
>>>> reviewed Danno Ferrin’s JavaOne session from last year; it says
>>>> that Update 40’s libjfxmedia_qtkit.dylib or Update 20’s
>>>> libjfxmedia.dylib should be removed and are by the packager. I
>>>> have this line in my packager output from the packager, as you can
>>>> see the libfxmedia.dylib is in my app and pkg. Is this an
>>>> oversight by the packager and the libfxmedia.dylib should also be
>>>> removed from my packaged application?
>>>> The original message from ITunes Connect said that these API’s are
>>>> referenced, when I questioned Apple as to what code was referencing
>>>> these they said it was the JavaFX Media library.
>>>> ITunes Connect Responce:
>>>> 2.31
>>>> Your app incorrectly implements sandboxing, or it contains one or
>>>> more entitlements with invalid values. Please review the included
>>>> entitlements and sandboxing documentation and resolve this issues
>>>> before resubmitting a new binary.
>>>> ubrk_getRuleStatus
>>>> ubrk_setUText
>>>> ucnv_getCanonicalName
>>>> ucnv_reset
>>>> ucol_strcollIter
>>>> Dear developer,
>>>> We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for
>>>> "Examine-IT Pro". To process your delivery, the following issues
>>>> must be corrected:
>>>> Deprecated API Usage - Apple no longer accepts submissions of apps
>>>> that use QuickTime or QTKit APIs.
>>>> Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the
>>>> corrected binary.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> The App Store team
>>>> Running [codesign, -s, 3rd Party Mac Developer Application:
>>>> com.thundercloudresources.examineit., -vvvv, --entitlements,
>>>> /var/folders/wd/0dvkql1x0yxc9911tp1tz57c0000gq/T/fxbundler8869305413596109692/macosx/Examine-IT
>>>> Pro.entitlements,
>>>> /var/folders/wd/0dvkql1x0yxc9911tp1tz57c0000gq/T/fxbundler8869305413596109692/images/image-2516465556090179709/Examine-IT
>>>> /var/folders/wd/0dvkql1x0yxc9911tp1tz57c0000gq/T/fxbundler8869305413596109692/images/image-2516465556090179709/Examine-IT
>>>> signed Mach-O thin (x86_64)
>>>> [com.thundercloudresources.examineit.libjfxmedia]
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