Mac App Store Refusal because of QTKit API's
Phil Race
philip.race at
Wed Sep 30 19:11:23 UTC 2015
It may still be worth you following up as they at least ought to
answer why they identified these as QTKit symbols when they
demonstrably are not ..
On 09/30/2015 12:05 PM, Scott Selvia wrote:
> Phil,
> Yes I've done that and I've re-submitted the app again
> I agree that I should not be penalized by the JRE one would hope that Oracle and Apple worked out the JRE do's and don't when it was decided that Java applications can be posted to the OS X App Store. However I don't think it will do much good for me to open Apple bugs. Oracles stick is much bigger than mine!!!
> Scott
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 30, 2015, at 2:54 PM, Phil Race <philip.race at> wrote:
>> It looks like there may be something to this :-
>> On mac fx in 8u60 is linking webkit against the system icu library to find these symbols.
>> $ nm -a libjfxwebkit.dylib | grep ubrk_getRuleStatus
>> U _ubrk_getRuleStatus
>> $ otool -L libjfxwebkit.dylib | grep icu
>> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 51.1.0)
>> webkit has as "undefined" a much longer list than what Apple complained about
>> so it is not clear if they regard the entire library as off-limits or just some subset.
>> So I don't think this is anything to do with QtKit but is a webkit problem.
>> Removing that dylib is the apparent workaround, assuming you don't need it.
>> If the packager can't handle that for you I suppose you need to manually
>> get rid of it out of your JDK directory before packaging.
>> -phil.
>>> On 09/30/2015 10:44 AM, Scott Selvia wrote:
>>> Will do
>>> It seems Apple is not distinguishing the difference of who is using the APIs. Just like the jfx media qt dylib filtered out of the Java packager process when building a Mac store app. I guess at this point they feel the WebKit dylib falls into the category.
>>> I had an apple issue with the embedded info.plist bundle ID that is part of the jre packaged with the Mac application package generated with the packager. I had to hack the jdk update 60 info.plist file and change the bundle ID with a hashcode suffix. This I opened an apple bug for stating that embedded frameworks should not trigger a bundle collision ID error when uploading an application. I have not had any additional responses
>>> I guess I'll add another bug for embedded frameworks (in this case the JRE) using deprecated APIs
>>> Scott
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Sep 30, 2015, at 12:45 PM, Donald Smith <donald.smith at> wrote:
>>>> Please let us know what you hear back with Apple on this given the information below we hope they will see this as an oversight.
>>>> - Don
>>>>> On 30/09/2015 12:28 PM, Phil Race wrote:
>>>>> Yes, these look like ICU functions which so far as I know FX only
>>>>> references from its *own* internal copy of webkit which in turn has a copy of ICU.
>>>>> What is very odd is that Apple is essentially then objecting to referencing
>>>>> functions that are internal to your app. ie referenced by your app and also
>>>>> fulfilled by your app, whereas I assume the app store checking should be
>>>>> against deprecated Apple APIs that you reference in your app and that
>>>>> are fulfilled by OSX (or iOS).
>>>>> So something seems wrong here.
>>>>> -phil.
>>>>>> On 09/30/2015 09:19 AM, Scott Selvia wrote:
>>>>>> Chris,
>>>>>> I'll update iTunes connect with that information and ask them to clarify
>>>>>> Thank you for the additional information, Danno explained they are used in the WebKit dylib
>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Sep 30, 2015, at 12:08 PM, Chris Bensen <chris.bensen at> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Scott,
>>>>>>> Those APIs are for the text system ICU. I believe the App Store team may be in error. Perhaps they accidentally copied the wrong forbidden APIs when writing the message.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>>> On Sep 29, 2015, at 3:15 AM, Scott Selvia <sselvia at> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I’m using JDK 8 update 60 and I just received an email from Apple saying that my application is using deprecated QTKit API’s. I’ve reviewed Danno Ferrin’s JavaOne session from last year; it says that Update 40’s libjfxmedia_qtkit.dylib or Update 20’s libjfxmedia.dylib should be removed and are by the packager. I have this line in my packager output from the packager, as you can see the libfxmedia.dylib is in my app and pkg. Is this an oversight by the packager and the libfxmedia.dylib should also be removed from my packaged application?
>>>>>>>> The original message from ITunes Connect said that these API’s are referenced, when I questioned Apple as to what code was referencing these they said it was the JavaFX Media library.
>>>>>>>> ITunes Connect Responce:
>>>>>>>> 2.31
>>>>>>>> Your app incorrectly implements sandboxing, or it contains one or more entitlements with invalid values. Please review the included entitlements and sandboxing documentation and resolve this issues before resubmitting a new binary.
>>>>>>>> ubrk_getRuleStatus
>>>>>>>> ubrk_setUText
>>>>>>>> ucnv_getCanonicalName
>>>>>>>> ucnv_reset
>>>>>>>> ucol_strcollIter
>>>>>>>> Dear developer,
>>>>>>>> We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "Examine-IT Pro". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
>>>>>>>> Deprecated API Usage - Apple no longer accepts submissions of apps that use QuickTime or QTKit APIs.
>>>>>>>> Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> The App Store team
>>>>>>>> Running [codesign, -s, 3rd Party Mac Developer Application: THUNDERCLOUD RESOURCES, LLC (82Z9WT6K6N), --prefix, com.thundercloudresources.examineit., -vvvv, --entitlements, /var/folders/wd/0dvkql1x0yxc9911tp1tz57c0000gq/T/fxbundler8869305413596109692/macosx/Examine-IT Pro.entitlements, /var/folders/wd/0dvkql1x0yxc9911tp1tz57c0000gq/T/fxbundler8869305413596109692/images/image-2516465556090179709/Examine-IT]
>>>>>>>> /var/folders/wd/0dvkql1x0yxc9911tp1tz57c0000gq/T/fxbundler8869305413596109692/images/image-2516465556090179709/Examine-IT signed Mach-O thin (x86_64) [com.thundercloudresources.examineit.libjfxmedia]
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