What does this mean for the future of JavaFX on iOS?

Steve Hannah steve at weblite.ca
Mon Apr 18 16:52:21 UTC 2016

According to Gluon, they're not impacted by this.

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 9:36 AM, Felix Bembrick <felix.bembrick at gmail.com>

> I just read this article which states that RoboVM is effectively "shutting
> down".
> https://www.voxxed.com/blog/2016/04/robovm/
> Given that they seem to be a critical part of the puzzle that is making
> JavaFX viable on mobile platforms, what does this actually mean for that
> goal?
> Is there an alternative technology or product that can fill this void? Or
> is the final nail in the coffin for JavaFX to ever be a truly viable cross
> platform technology?
> Thanks,
> Felix

Steve Hannah
Web Lite Solutions Corp.

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