[9] Review request for 8150076: Print jobs are not finished when used a page range

mikhail cherkasov mikhail.cherkasov at oracle.com
Tue Apr 19 10:25:00 UTC 2016

Hi Phil,

Please see my update in jbs:


On 4/14/2016 12:28 AM, Phil Race wrote:
> I have an old PageRange printing test where I set
>                                 settings.setPageRanges(new 
> PageRange(1,3));
> and it prints fine on JDK 9 on Win 7 x64.
> In fact it also prints fine with 8u74
> Also a thread dump doesn't show any problem with the print thread not 
> terminating.
> So I assume the test that shows the bug must be doing something I am not.
> You say [9] above but I see your webrev suggests 8u !
> "/cygdrive/c/ws/javafx/8u-dev/rt"
> Can you please
> (a)  prepare a webrev against 9 instead of 8u.
> (b) include (and therefore share) the test you are using that 
> illustrates the problem.
> -phil.
> On 04/12/2016 09:21 AM, mikhail cherkasov wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Could you please review the fix for:
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8150076
>> webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mcherkas/8150076/webrev.00/
>> J2DPrinterJob waits when page printing is done, but doesn't check that
>> the whole job is done or that it is failed due error, as result we can
>> never quit from while cycle in method " implPrintPage".
>> The fix adds this checks.
>> Thanks,
>> Mikhail.

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